The TopBoost module clip is on the overdrive side, are there any clean, jangle, chime clips of the TopBoost?
stratotone, I saw a mod to lower the gain on the Top Boost module, an AC30 mod. Do you have clips of that?
chode7 in another topic convinced me the M4 / RM4 are worth checking out, and he was able to nail the vintage Vox better than some of the new Vox amps! At this point in time, I just don't need all the versatility of the MTS system, which is why I sold my Ultra.
I'm at the point where I've tried a number of alternatives to nail the vintage Vox tone I'm after. I'm getting close with a ToneLab LE, and a friend has nailed a good tone using
an ADA MP-2; I still have an MP-2 and plan to give this a try too (the price is right!). He's also working on several Vox tone variations AB with his vintage '60s Vox. I'm hoping this will work, but if it doesn't...
Basically, I'm tired of "screwing around" to nail these tones, so I'm considering a Vox amp as soon as the funds are available and just getting on with it. However, if there's a way to do this with either an M4 / RM4 and 1-3 Vox modules, stock or with mods, I'm interested! While the clips I've heard sound great, they haven't shown the clean Vox sounds, I just haven't heard any clips that have convinced me it will work for me.
Here's an example of the tones I'm talking about, starting at 0:24 into the clip, the short lead at: 1:24 and John's rhythm tone after the lead:
There are several more clips from the "Blackpool Night Out 1965" that have further examples. If the M4 / RM4 can do this, I'm interested!