Tubes are biased in both amps at about 60-65% within the variance of the duet/quartet. Of course, this is taking the different PVs of the amps into account. Preamp is not tweaked and the NFB resistor is 100k wired to the 4ohm tab. At one point I had it wired to the 8ohm tab.
The clone started out with all CC resistors and Mojo Dijon caps and was worlds apart from the original 2204. The bottom end and response reminded me of my Dual Rectifiers, but maybe a bit tighter? Changing the coupling caps to a mix of Sozo and Phillips MKT 344 and changing the pf caps from SM to ceramics did bring me much closer tone, but not feel wise.
I am currently changing the CC resistors in the B+ supply line as well as the anode plate resistors for Beyschlag MF resistors. I started early in the preamp and work my way through it. Slowly, the punch is coming.
But there`s still a layer of rather dark harmonics instead of grind that makes the bottom end of the JCM800 2204 so percussive and fast responding