Yes, this belongs here.
How dare you criticize the first black lesbian press secretary who looks like Gary Coleman in drag!That Cabbage Patch-looking bitch, there...She's talking about it like that's something good that people should applaud...unbelievable. This is the most backwards, upside-down, anti-American "administration" ever.
Shit, that is Kevin Dubrow's brother Terry who is the "father" of that now-tranny kid. At least Kevin didn't have to live to see this crap...Must be some Grade-A cuckery and liberal fuckery going on in that household.
You mean coke-overdose-Kevin would’ve disapproved? You washed up douche rockers are the cringiest life forms on the planet.Shit, that is Kevin Dubrow's brother Terry who is the "father" of that now-tranny kid. At least Kevin didn't have to live to see this crap...Must be some Grade-A cuckery and liberal fuckery going on in that household.
Shit, that is Kevin Dubrow's brother Terry who is the "father" of that now-tranny kid. At least Kevin didn't have to live to see this crap...Must be some Grade-A cuckery and liberal fuckery going on in that household.