someone (several someones) are looking for a big payday compliments of taxpayers. Did your town hold public hearings on it?My town of 3000 people wants to build a new high school. The total middle school+high school count is 450 students. They are trying to pass a 100 million dollar bond to do this. 100 million dollars. For 450 students. 3000 population tax base. This is how fucking retarded public officials/employees are and what a complete scam education is.
Yeah, not many people showed. Their rationale is that a really nice school will attract people to move here, instead of thinking about a 30% increase in taxes making everyone below about 500k a year moving away. Current school is old, I guess it should be replaced...although I don't really know what is wrong with it besides being a sort of dumpy 1950s building (personally I dig that look).someone (several someones) are looking for a big payday compliments of taxpayers. Did your town hold public hearings on it?
could be cheaper to renovate or add temporary buildings. should be considered, and put out to open bids - another thing that some local governments don't do either; giving the business to family/friends and likely getting kickbacks.Yeah, not many people showed. Their rationale is that a really nice school will attract people to move here, instead of thinking about a 30% increase in taxes making everyone below about 500k a year moving away. Current school is old, I guess it should be replaced...although I don't really know what is wrong with it besides being a sort of dumpy 1950s building (personally I dig that look).