Clown World nears its zenith...
"Welcome to the unorthodox world of Agriculture, a Los Angeles quartet that eschews the murky malevolence long associated with black metal in favor of expressing 'feelings of absolute bliss, overwhelming love, and awe-inspiring sublimity' through extreme music.
They call it ecstatic black metal—a term that has drawn both curious ears and skeptical side-eyes from a corner of the musical universe where debate about what’s kvlt and what’s not kvlt still happens in earnest.
'We didn’t set out, like, ‘OK, we’re going to make fucking ecstatic music,’” Meyer says. “It was more like, ‘Oh, that’s actually how it feels to play these songs.’ The intention is definitely to make people feel good, though.”...
“I wanted to write a song that pretty directly focused on themes of queer community and stuff like that,” says bassist, vocalist, and occasional Bandcamp Daily contributor Leah B. Levinson. “We have a lot of young queer people come out to our shows, and that’s something I always really appreciate seeing and something that means a lot to me, so I wanted to find a way to approach that without falling into slogans.'"