As Clown World Turns...

It doesn't matter — a mainstream publication discussing "legally killed children" is clown-world worthy IMO.
Well, it turns out there is such a thing. Ask those guys in Vietnam and Afghanistan who had to watch their buddies get blown to hell and gone by a kid strapped with explosives.
Well, according to your article there it is still legal if they are being used as human shields. So there's that.
I wouldn't argue against a true human shield situation, but again, this is not that. Imagine if you shot someone being used as a human shield. You would be in jail pending an investigation and probably in jail even after that, regardless if it was on video or otherwise witnessed. There are no witnesses in Gaza, no documentation. Just Israel bombing kids and then claiming "Hamas was there." And even if they did have documentation, they are not acting in immediate self defense. They are proactively taking steps to eliminate a perceived threat, which is an entirely different matter with different moral considerations.
I wouldn't argue against a true human shield situation, but again, this is not that. Imagine if you shot someone being used as a human shield. You would be in jail pending an investigation and probably in jail even after that, regardless if it was on video or otherwise witnessed. There are no witnesses in Gaza, no documentation. Just Israel bombing kids and then claiming "Hamas was there." And even if they did have documentation, they are not acting in immediate self defense. They are proactively taking steps to eliminate a perceived threat, which is an entirely different matter with different moral considerations.
I'm certainly not talking about moral considerations brother, but you know as well as I do the rules of warfare are completely different than laws regarding use of deadly force for civilians.

I'll also point out that like you said, there are no witnesses in Gaza. You are taking the word of terrorists as to numbers and situations. Kinda like the hospital the Israelis supposedly hit with a missile, you know, until video and intelligence surfaced showing it was fired from Gaza. I get you dislike or at least mistrust Israelis, but even you have to admit, if you're thinking logically, that they are more trustworthy than terrorists.

>muslim goes allah akbar on some people in Germany
>native German tackles allah akbar
>cop tackles native German for racism
>allah akbar gets up and stabs cop

is there anything more poetic than this?