At a loss

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Whatever you decide to do, don't do this. You'll get 25-30% of your gears worth.
In my experience I've always been able to get 60%, which I seem to recall them telling me is their limit. Once they offered 50%, but I was able to counter 60%. Gotta have an idea what they plan on selling it for though. Usually whatever seems fair based on reverb, ebay, etc history for that item is what they plan on. Or what they have an equivalent one listed for on their website. Then they offer a percentage of that, up to 60%. If you go in knowing what the fair price is you can try countering if they offer less than 60%. But, this is just my experience with one GC. Maybe others are jerks and try to give you 25%.
In my experience I've always been able to get 60%, which I seem to recall them telling me is their limit. Once they offered 50%, but I was able to counter 60%. Gotta have an idea what they plan on selling it for though. Usually whatever seems fair based on reverb, ebay, etc history for that item. Then they offer a percentage of that, up to 60%. If you go in knowing what the fair price is you can try countering if they offer less than 60%. But, this is just my experience with one GC. Maybe others are jerks and try to give you 25%.
That is a great deal if you got 60%. Were you getting cash or trade in? When Mars Music was open, I found them to be much more reasonable with trade in's, especially when trading toward new gear. Mars was better than GC...RIP.
My area is weird. Many people still asking 95-120% of new, and GC offers are more based on desirability and may just turn you down altogether. If you put almost anything up for sale at say 80-90% of reverb used prices it will be gone in an hour only to be reposted an hour later for 120% and reposted for months or even years. There are also a few people near me who have posted the same $10-20 items numerous times a week for years. I would just throw it in the trash or donate at that point.

I met up with this one guy who had a case I wanted for an older Gibson that I bought. He was one of those same people who continued to repost over and over again. I saw the case up for probably around two years, and when I bought the guitar I hit him up to buy it. It was full of mold and the tolex had been destroyed and was nothing at all like in the condition it was in the pictures still. I wasn't interested and he got mad and said that I was wasting his time. Crazy. Anyways, if I were to firesale my gear I could do it just as fast for more money than GC would give.
Go through your gear and pick one, two or three things that you want to start with. List those here, there.....wherever, and when one piece sells, replace it with something else for sale. Doing it this way will get you into a roll or rhythm and keep things moving. I wouldn't suggest doing it all at once.

My two cents.

Somehow over the last few years I seem to have completely lost my G.A.S. More to the point, whenever I look at the pile of gear I've accumulated it just kind of bums me out because I just don't have time to really do anything with it. I'm sitting on a dozen nice guitars, a similar amount of quality amps, and lots of pedals, and they are kind of just collecting dust.

For some background, I'm primarily a guitar player/singer for the last 30 years, and I'm in multiple bands, but only one is active and I play bass in that. All of the stuff in the gear pile is guitar stuff that I've picked up over the years.

I'm trying to figure out what the best way to get these all back into circulation is so they actually get used, while minimizing hassle and selling at a loss. I've put some stuff up on marketplace and craigslist but they've just sat there. I don't want to get rid of everything, and if some of it goes I may feel less urge to purge but anymore this stuff I lusted after for so long seems like kind of an albatross.

On the amp stand point, the irony is they are all Mesa, and I bought them all during that wonderful period about 5-10 years ago when no one seemed to want them, so I could sell below market and still make back at least what I paid, but the shipping is so prohibitive I don't know if it even makes sense to offer it.

How badly would I get hosed rolling up to guitar center or making the trip to sweetwater with everything and letting it go?

FWIW, I'm in the Cleveland OH area if anyone has any ideas of somewhere local, or wants to see what's available.
OP, it's crazy how timely your post is for me. I've accumulated quite a bit of stuff over the decades and now I find that having lots of stuff isn't making me happy - it's actually doing the opposite......and this doesn't just apply to musical gear. The clutter in my life is causing clutter in my brain ? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate nice things and I do plan on keeping the things I have a true connection with but in reality, that is not much. The question is how? LOL I'm in the same boat as jabps.......I dread dealing with all that shit.....
My music room is my sanctuary. I talk to you fukkers, listen to loud music and rock out through a wall of guitars, amps and cabs. Many days, that is the highlight. When it becomes boring/a burden/a financial drain I suppose then it is time to re-evaluate.

Do what works best for you brutha. Any of the top line modeling setups nowadays can be incredibly inspirational and save you a ton of $ and space
FWIW I've usually used Craigslist for moving gear (Chicago). Sometimes it will take awhile but it's been way more effective than Facebook marketplace.

Honestly GC has been pretty clutch on some of the lower demand stuff. Get you an associate who doesn't quite know what they're doing. Some are better than others. I was able to get $750 last year for an RME ADI-8 DS from GC after having it on CL for months at $600. I was also able to sell an analog mixer to them for about what I'd have expected to get private party. Lesser known gear (or without so many used sale comps) can give you some leverage.
I'll get in a sell it all mood every now and then but it passes before I actually get around to doing anything about it. I'm just trying not to buy any new stuff. And that includes cars, electronics, tools, dogs, etc.
I'll get in a sell it all mood every now and then but it passes before I actually get around to doing anything about it. I'm just trying not to buy any new stuff. And that includes cars, electronics, tools, dogs, etc.
I just bought a new dog and it made my other dogs sick lol. I also get in a sell it all mood but my wife reminds me she doesn’t doubt I’ll do it but knows long term I’ll regret at least one if not more sales. It’s all paid for and isn’t hurting anything. I’m hoping I can start a band again soon and start playing out again to put it all to use.
If you’re in Cleveland, maybe reach out to gutiar riot, they’re good dudes and might be able to do consignment or point you in the right direction.
I don’t need gear right now but I’d buy stuff from you just to spite GC lowballing people.
Me? if i was in your situation and could afford to wait, I would see what happens with the election. We might see this economy turned around and people more confident to spend $$$.
I'm kinda in the same boat, only I was a bassist for 20 years and only play guitar now. Luckily, I play sludge, where I can get away with hooking everything I own up at once and lining the stage with excessive volume. Still, I started my first wave of gear on Craigslist, and things aren't selling quick. It took me this far into riding season to sell the dropper post off my mountain bike, which was a good price for valued part in that sport. The economy has us all in that boat to an extent.
Go through your gear and pick one, two or three things that you want to start with. List those here, there.....wherever, and when one piece sells, replace it with something else for sale. Doing it this way will get you into a roll or rhythm and keep things moving. I wouldn't suggest doing it all at once.

My two cents.
Good suggestion......I gotta stop procrastinating
Volunteer to teach guitar at a grade school and avoid being a recluse.

Kids will love it. You'll feel better making a positive contribution to the community. Plus you'll go through your gear to figue out something cool to show the kids.
If you’re in Cleveland, maybe reach out to gutiar riot, they’re good dudes and might be able to do consignment or point you in the right direction.
I don’t need gear right now but I’d buy stuff from you just to spite GC lowballing people.
Yeah they're good guys, If this is still going on once they get into their new space in the fall I may do that. Their temp space while they are building the new one is super small and cramped and I wouldn't want to overwhelm them with my file of stuff