Hope things go how you need them to my friend:wife split and took my car" price drop. I dropped the price to 2750 shipped lower 48 states. Thankfully I'm on vacation for a month
Hope things go how you need them to my friend:wife split and took my car" price drop. I dropped the price to 2750 shipped lower 48 states. Thankfully I'm on vacation for a month
Man it's been a crazy 24 hours. I just learned that even if your car is in your name alone your spouse can still take it and take off to the next state even though she has never paid a dime. NC sucks. Thank God I'm on vacation for a month mHope things go how you need them to my friend
Sorry to hear that . My ex left in may out of know and my kids crazy . I feel ya man . Just takes time . How you off for a monthMan it's been a crazy 24 hours. I just learned that even if your car is in your name alone your spouse can still take it and take off to the next state even though she has never paid a dime. NC sucks. Thank God I'm on vacation for a month m
Clint --you seem Like a really good person and I want you to know some guys wait a whole lifetime for their wives or girlfriend s to leave !!!! Things will get better !!!!I have 4 weeks vacation each year and this is the first I've been able to take it
Oh this is a positive developmentClint --you seem Like a really good person and I want you to know some guys wait a whole lifetime for their wives or girlfriend s to leave !!!! Things will get better !!!!
Depends what the lie is. you might be able to work it out but if no kids are involved it's a lot easier for sure.not sure if you have kids but I would instantly file for divorce on grounds of abandonment as well as whatever. Get a R.O. and change the locks. Yeah...fuck you...because that's why....sorry....venting...feel for you bro....
As soon as they start acting off.....listen to your man instincts. Something is up, 100% of the 100% time!!I just bought this amp from Clint this morning. I regretted selling my old one and I really want to do a better demo video for my YT channel and to promote Jason's awesome products and excellent customer service.
I told him that if he ends up getting the money to buy it back, I'd sell it back to him without hesitation for the same amount. I also told him that if I wanted to sell it before that time, I'd give him first right of refusal.
I've been through a divorce and it's the worst. Like Clint, my wife was lying to me about something very serious and when I found out (I had evidence: I work in cybersecurity and while I'm not proud of this, I hacked her iPhone after she started acting suspiciously), she denied and deflected until I confronted her with the evidence. That's when she spilled all the beans. Luckily we had no children and owned no real estate together so it was a simpler situation. During that time, I needed all the support I could get and my friends were key to helping me move on. So I want to extend that same support to a fellow RT'er.
So you know, women are advised by lawyers to file for protection orders before a divorce. It gives them the upper hand during the settlement. It’s a shady thing to do… so you should file one first to get the upper hand.Yeah. We have been married about 7 years and I caught her in a pretty bad lie. I was on my way home from work and I said we could speak to the person who basically confirmed her lie together and instead of doing that she took my car and left the state. Said she was scared I was going to hurt her(not that she would actually have to own up to something). When someone tells you something where they say "I swear on " or "I will take a lie detector" or "call and ask them" they are bluffing and they don't think you will call them out.