Atomica #1

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Haha here we go...

Style, phrasing, vibrato, all come from the fingers. Tone? That comes from everything else in the chain. The one example some bring up is, EVH plays through Nugent's Fender rig. He sounds like EVH, of course. But the tone is a darker Fender tone, with EVH playing through it. Nugent plays through EVHs Marshall. He sounds like Ted, of course...but much brighter and a shit ton more midrange.
You take a player and have them play through 15 different amps..sure, they sound like themselves! But with 15 different tones.
The age old debate haha
Idk why you’re upset… for the record, no, I don’t know a lot about electronics and I know nothing of PCB design, but I remember reading all those threads and it was brought up that the PCB was upside down making service a PITA, I assumed it would complicate re-engineering them to be right side up. The biggest issue, IMO, was neither party taking care of the guys that got screwed. Brad and Co didn’t want to be on the hook for (what was it, 11,13,23 amps ? I forget now), and Mark claimed he would get those guys their amps. If Cameron amps continued with Brad and Co they’d be on the hook, so IMO they sidestepped the whole thing by letting it die.

Not upset at all, but the "issues" they used as excuses for months were nonsense. Anyone that knows anything about amps and has seen a CCV can tell you that. It's literally two completely separate channels and 2 relays (one for switching the channels and one for the switchable masters). I mean I guess whoever was trying to do the PCB from the schematic could have been completely incompetent, but IIRC it was George at Metro who has multiple PCB amps of his own so it doesn't seem likely.
Haha here we go...

Style, phrasing, vibrato, all come from the fingers. Tone? That comes from everything else in the chain. The one example some bring up is, EVH plays through Nugent's Fender rig. He sounds like EVH, of course. But the tone is a darker Fender tone, with EVH playing through it. Nugent plays through EVHs Marshall. He sounds like Ted, of course...but much brighter and a shit ton more midrange.
You take a player and have them play through 15 different amps..sure, they sound like themselves! But with 15 different tones.
The age old debate haha
I agree with your theory but I also know that the tone changes when two different people play the same guitar though the same amp. String attack, string muting, pick angle, ect can all play a part in tone
I agree with your theory but I also know that the tone changes when two different people play the same guitar though the same amp. String attack, string muting, pick angle, ect can all play a part in tone all plays a part.
Haha here we go...

Style, phrasing, vibrato, all come from the fingers. Tone? That comes from everything else in the chain. The one example some bring up is, EVH plays through Nugent's Fender rig. He sounds like EVH, of course. But the tone is a darker Fender tone, with EVH playing through it. Nugent plays through EVHs Marshall. He sounds like Ted, of course...but much brighter and a shit ton more midrange.
You take a player and have them play through 15 different amps..sure, they sound like themselves! But with 15 different tones.
The age old debate haha

I was referencing the statement about cameron amps sounding best when mark plays them. I’d love to find the time to start getting into the basics of modifying an amp - feel like it’s the logical next step
I don’t have any real facts here but…

There are two different Cameron “companies” being talked about here. Suckerfree’s video implies him and Mark are releasing some sort of production amp soon. These would obviously be made by Mark

Then there’s the talk of who bought the Cameron company name - they are supposedly releasing a production amp soon as well (CCV I think??).

I’d be happy if both of these worked out - more flavors of amps in the world is never a bad thing.
This is what I’ve heard as well
when i first met Mark he was blazing through one of his dymo labeled bassman heads. shredding. and i guarantee that was a big factor in why his amps played and sounded the way they did.

to clease the palate for a moment and turn from disagreement back to music and tones (aka the point☝️)
here’s zach playing through my peacemaker into his bradshaw wdw rig with a gmw strat and 78 duncan hummer

*pretty* sure this was my dynacomp/tonebone classic overdrive stacked out in front:

and with that,

“we lift our hearts…”
Please, understand that I'm not trying to start another shit show about Cameron, and what I'm writing about is my own experience with his amps/mods, and not about what people say how their dealings with Mark turned out to be. So, if anyone wants to discuss this any further, I'll be more than glad to try and help with as much info as I can. But that will be about his amps and mods, how they perform and how they sound. And I'm only going to be talking about the ones I've had the experience to try out in person, and not from someone else's words or YouTube reviews.
That being said, the Brad era Atomica amps are all built the same, and they sound very similar to each other, since they were all built the same, aside from components tolerance, but very different from the original Mark Cameron Atomica.
Mark told me the Brad era Atomica is a simplified High Gain Jose, with a single gain control, a 3 way bright and a 3 way Diode Clipping switches, and not an original Atomica.
I do have a Brad era Atomica, and also a Mark Atomica mod done to a 72 SLP, and they could not sound more different one from the other. Plus, the original Atomica has no extra switches or push/pull pots, so it was just a Super Lead with a Jose Master and a slight different voicing, but that sounded really great. That's all according to Mark himself.
So, if you want to compare the Brad era Atomica to any Mark built or modded amp, it would be more fair doing it to a Mark Cameron High Gain Jose mod.
I also have a Mark modded SLP with his HG Jose, and of course, I did compare it to the Brad era Atomica. Of course, they also do sound completely different, but at least they do get close one from another in terms of gain and some of the similar features. And while the Brad Atomica is a great sounding amp, as soon as you plug into a Mark modded HG Jose, you'll understand why people go bananas for his build and mods.
The way I put it is like this... the Brad era Atomica and Old Bitch, are incredible sounding amps, and are right there with most of the great ones, like a VH4, Ecstasy, Engls, Friedman, EVH, Mesa, Soldano, etc... the real Mark Cameron made stuff is way above all those.
Below are the Cameron I talked about(from top to bottom), 72 Aldrich(former Psycho Dave), 97 SLP with HG Jose, 72 Atomica and Brad era Atomica.

"Many men have started the cameron shitstorm ... yes many men".
I thought the Brad amps early on were pretty well done. Unfortunately the reputation and antics of the builder name negated the amps themselves.

"Many men have started the cameron shitstorm ... yes many men".
I thought the Brad amps early on were pretty well done. Unfortunately the reputation and antics of the builder name negated the amps themselves.
Awesome user name!