Australia's former Prime Minister has Trump pegged for what he really is... A wimp that idolises despots

Dude, we have seen him before. And he's probably over here to see if anyone says anything about the head dickbag over at teh Gay Page.
The head dickhead at the gay page is a big homo with no guitar chops who is fat and has body odor and no woman either. Probably gets turned down just trying to rent a girl. Also probably plays something extra gay like a modeling amp or some solid state hunk of shit. Or maybe some overpriced fanboi of the month rig. No doubt his guitar of choice is a PRS with new lightweight tuners so he can hear the vowel sounds. Just thought I'd pass it along.
Ha ha.. You don't believe me. That's fair I guess.
Go over there and search 'Beater'. Ask around in the Pub.

Check out some of my food pictures and threads.
There is high levels of suspicion with new members thanks to the absolute wreck this sub-forum was about a year ago. Don't take it personally. If you are who you say then I doubt there will be many problems although I noticed some anti-trump stuff you have already posted which might catch you some flack. There are a few communists on this board but most of them stay out of this sub forum because there aren't many other democrats down here to back them up.
I hate for a bit but usually let it go. Living with hate sucks. I have to admit though that there are some people and movements afoot these days that are pretty much a wellspring for hate.
... high levels of suspicion with new members .....
