Awesome distortion pedals that you would actually use?

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What is the best distortion pedal you guys have ever tried.
I just tried the suhr riot!!! whoaaaa
I've never found a distortion pedal that is useable in a band situation.
Radial London Bones and Blackstar HT-Dual...........these are my low volume solutions, but I would have no problem using either in a band setting if I had to.
I just picked up a CMATmods Brownie and I think it is a pedal I could use all the time. The Riot seems like a good choice as well.
The Blackstar dual is the only one I have found to work really well in a band situation. I run it into a single channel head I built with a fender twin pre amp section, into an EL34 power section. Works really well.
Radial Plexitube. I use it for small gigs. It Rocks.
If we're talking strictly distortion pedals, not OD's...definitely the Suhr Riot! It's the most believable amp in a box sound I've heard and boy does it sound great. That through a clean tube amp, it's a flame thrower!
I actually used to use a visual sound son of hyde distortion pedal and would boost it with an OCD. Loved the tone i would get. If i ever make another pedal based rig i'll try out that combo again.
Krank Distortus Maximus is a solid, relatively inexpensive distortion pedal. Pulls of heavy metal and such without issues.
ACShreds":3h3hltdj said:
I actually used to use a visual sound son of hyde distortion pedal and would boost it with an OCD. Loved the tone i would get. If i ever make another pedal based rig i'll try out that combo again.

I keep a visual sound Jekyll and Hyde pedal with a magnun44 in my tool bag in case I experience amp failure. I used to use it with my old NMV Marshalls. It is the only distortion pedal I still own.
My standard distortion pedal is my TC Electronic Nova Drive (also has OD). I use it with my g-system rig, but since switching to a TriAxis I haven't used it much. I will though, with clean presets to add OD, Dist or both...easier than switching presets in some cases.

My fav and most unique, flexible and original sounding distortion pedal is my Source Audio SoundBlox Pro Multiwave Distortion. Responds well to pick attack; the effect and decay can be altered and controlled by guitar volume, it has multiple settings and 6 presets and 7 band EQ to really tweak the effect...worth a look and listen at least. I got mine last summer, instant keeper. I use it with a clean Fender tube amp...if you want something new and different, this is it IMO: ... ortion.php

if you want more traditional distortion, their classic distortion may be an option (I've not tried this): ... ortion.php
Fryette SAS .... the rest are Fuzz. It replaced the rest. VERY amp like. More like a amp expander than a distortion pedal the way I use it. I pretty much have been into using the amp for distortion & only pedals for certain things. With this pedal it feels and sounds like a amp. Works great with clean & crunch sounds on the amp.

GC is having a discontinue in stores sale... price $119 / I payed $199.
I've used the old DS-1 (modded) and not sure if the BOSS Power Stack qualifies as a distortion pedal. Mostly I run a Tube Screamer into an SD-1 and the tone is amazing.
for a long time two od pedals did just what i wanted , a bb preamp into a mi audio bb deluxe

atm it's a Wampler pinnacle, with a BB preamp before for a lead/gain boost
Radial Bones Distortion user here.

This small box is full of surprises! I'm running it into the front of an old plexi clone. To my ear it does a really good impression of a hot rodded Marshall. Very dynamic as well. The best thing about it is the dual volumes so I can set one volume for my rhythm and the other for my lead, simple!

I use the pedal in a band setting, rehearsals and gigs, with no problems whatsoever. Our other guitarist uses a Marshall AFD100 and says he's a bit jealous of my tone at the moment, simply because it's so close (if not spot on!) to the real deal and for a fraction of the price of an AFD100.

The other distortion pedal that comes to mind that I have any experience of is the Carl Martin Plexitone. Essentially a dual master volume pedal as well and does a very good hot rod Marshall as well. Would get one in a heartbeat if I didn't already have the Radial.
Another for the Radial London Bones (solid state not tubed one)

And ill also be the first to say Metal Zone 2. I ran one in front of a 1973 fender tremolo 2x12 and also in front of one of those insanely powerful tubed peavey 2x12's in a pinch and it surprisingly sounded absolutely killer in both setups. I know i know.... :lol: :LOL:
Inearthed":1hus0zes said:
Krank Distortus Maximus is a solid, relatively inexpensive distortion pedal. Pulls of heavy metal and such without issues.

I have this on my board and use it for lower stage volume gigs, also great for fly-in shows. So good it's almost like a preamp in a stomp box.
Just "rediscovered" my old (early 80's) RAT I get why these are sought after (and reissued). I'm using it as an overdrive to boost solos but it's awesome as a straight up distortion peal as well.
TeleBlaster":jg7ydajm said:
Inearthed":jg7ydajm said:
Krank Distortus Maximus is a solid, relatively inexpensive distortion pedal. Pulls of heavy metal and such without issues.

I have this on my board and use it for lower stage volume gigs, also great for fly-in shows. So good it's almost like a preamp in a stomp box.

This plus pedal a loud, clean amp is was my backup rig while on tour in 2010. Only used it at one gig but it delivered the goods