Aynirar’s SnowPlow Playlist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan Gleesak
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They don't know you here, man.

They don't get it.. They don't know how to have fun.

Everything reads like they have a stick up their butts.

You tell 'em a joke, and they get angry.

it’s ok. They will get in line eventually. I’m hoping to record some sweet clips on my iPhone this weekend and then everyone will love me
So far today

Unearth - The Oncoming Storm
Maximum the hormone - Mix
Revocation - existence is futile
Job For a Cowboy - Doom

And currently working through
Through the Eyes of the Dead - Bloodlust
I love this album

I’m open to requests as long as it’s a cd I have in the truck with me
Necrophagist? Cattle Decapitation? Archspire? Rings of Uranus,,,,, uh Saturn, Misery Index?

Any old school death metal in the truck?
Necrophagist? Cattle Decapitation? Archspire? Rings of Uranus,,,,, uh Saturn, Misery Index?

Any old school death metal in the truck?
I’ve been on a mid 2000s deathcore kick. I’m practically listening to my MySpace top 8
FWIW it was 5 inches of wet very heavy snow. My snowblower struggled but got it done. I didn’t have a play list but I did work on “when Irish eyes are smiling” for my gig this weekend after I snowblowed. That song is totally gay :) all those Irish songs suck unless you’re really drunk and Then they’re the best ever :)

I decided to write something like this on my BeatBuddy but I made it swing a little and I’m only gonna sing one verse and then solo all over it. That’s it only 1 Irish song. This place only pays $150. You pay for what you get.

Now back to the Heavy duty playlist with a tough guy truck and plow …. \m/ \m/
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Funny, as I plowed this morning, Wait by White Lion came on and I thought of you and your plowing playlist.
Probably not "deathy" enough though.
Maybe if they wore all black though...
I actually have the whole white lion collection in the cabin with me!

I even have a couple trixter cds….
FWIW it was 5 inches of wet very heavy snow. My snowblower struggled but got it done. I didn’t have a play list but I did work on “when Irish eyes are smiling” for my gig this weekend after I snowblowed. That song is totally gay :) all those Irish songs suck unless you’re really drunk and Then they’re the best ever :)

I decided to write something like this on my BeatBuddy but I made it swing a little and I’m only gonna sing one verse and then solo all over it. That’s it only 1 Irish song. This place only pays $150. You pay for what you get.

Now back to the Heavy duty playlist with a tough guy truck and plow …. \m/ \m/

I started off with The Kinks - one for the road
this morning as I wasn’t quite awake. Once I got to work I put on some Dead To Fall to help me focus

What's so funny brother?

Peeps are sharing their current-favourite clips. It's a no-brainer. :dunno: