I recapped 2 mark IVa's, and i'm by no means an amp tech. Mark IV's are the last of the mark series amps that i believe are still fairly easy to service IF you don't have to take the whole board out of course. mark V's and beyond are so tight and so much shit is in there, i wouldn't even try to attempt doing work on them. The mark IV's look harder than they are to work on. i mean sure its tight, and you have to be patient and really think each move out, and maybe i'm just being modest here, but i feel like if i was able to do it, i think most people who know how to solder could probably do it, just might take a while. in the hours in took me to do it, i know i spent most of that time staring at it trying to figure out how i was going to ease the tip of the iron down in there to where i had to get to, and not bump the shaft of the iron on something else.
also, i found it weird that mesa never changed those big blue filter caps in any of the amps i've sent them over the years. a few c+'s, a few IV's, and a blue angel. mike always blew it off like "they test fine, they're fine", even though the internet will tell you that you should replace those every 20 years or so.