Back in the tube amp game with a bang, which fourth amp?

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Rivera don't get the press they deserve. But those who play 'em, just play 'em and don't spray on about 'em.

They definitely need to put some money ? into their marketing department, because this amp is really killer. I don't even need to use pedals with it.
They definitely need to put some money ? into their marketing department, because this amp is really killer. I don't even need to use pedals with it.
Perhaps, or it's just one of them things where once you know, you know, you know? And then that starts a chain reaction with other cats who don't know....till they know.
Would love to try a Rivera

well like 90% of players of modern metal, like both professional and bedroom warriors…most of the types of sounds I go for are up the alley of meshuggah and Gojira. My current amps cover that territory

In the amp I’m looking for, I’d like a more 90s, early 2000s type of punchy, raw high gain. Later exodus and testament come to mind

This is my favorite Splawn clip. The other guitarist in Kyle Bull's band.

Would love to try a Rivera

This is my favorite Splawn clip. The other guitarist in Kyle Bull's band.

How would you say the nitro behaves with v30s?

I hear mixed things online about speaker sensitivity with splawn.

I just got off the phone with Splawn, as I was running down some questions. I was told that it’s the QR that would be fighting v30s a bit, but the nitro wouldn’t, as it’s voiced with mids more shifted toward the lows
id definitely want something a little more raw, id probably get one of those new 5150 1992's

It’s relatively cheap tho so I’m still gonna try to go for another. Eyeing splawn and wizard atm

I know Gary Holt uses a boosted Jubilee 2555X reissue....keeps the gain down to 6 on the amp, then runs a boost in front and something in the loop....Jeff(Beyond Black) has a friend who knows Holt's tech. That's his live rig anyway. I think he also has a Langner Marshall but keeps it at home.
He gets some killer tone.
Yes he boosts it with an OD that I can’t recall, and runs a Gup Tech Que Bec in the loop for added depth.
I have my buddy’s Jube here now, and I’m boosting it with a Fortin TS9, with a QB in the loop and it’s brutal. Killer thrash tone that hits like a jackhammer. Holt all day.
The 2SL is 120w x2? I think the 1SL I had was 60w X2, stereo
Yes. It can be used a pure power as well. Really nice. But I would never play anything requiring that. So it’s more just fun to have I guess
I know Gary Holt uses a boosted Jubilee 2555X reissue....keeps the gain down to 6 on the amp, then runs a boost in front and something in the loop....Jeff(Beyond Black) has a friend who knows Holt's tech. That's his live rig anyway. I think he also has a Langner Marshall but keeps it at home.
He gets some killer tone.

i took these on the Repentless tour, i forgot what boost he was using but you can see them in the middle of the rack facing out


How would you say the nitro behaves with v30s?

I hear mixed things online about speaker sensitivity with splawn.

I just got off the phone with Splawn, as I was running down some questions. I was told that it’s the QR that would be fighting v30s a bit, but the nitro wouldn’t, as it’s voiced with mids more shifted toward the lows
Yep - that is the general consensus although there are some QR owners that like V30s. Scott is good people. Amps are very affordable. KSE used Quick Rods for a bit live.

Yep - that is the general consensus although there are some QR owners that like V30s. Scott is good people. Amps are very affordable. KSE used Quick Rods for a bit live.


i think thats a Fuchs Viper below. never hear about those. im not sure they used the same rig for two tours in a row back then.
My current favorite amp is my Revv Generator Mk III with EL34s. I've owned and played some amps you have mentioned. I like Bogner and only have a 20th Shiva right now from Bogner.

I played a Splawn Nitro and I thought it was much nicer than the Bogner XTC and Friedman BE-50 Dlx I played. Nitro! :)

Nitro thru Redbacks and V30s is unreal.
Beats the Friedmans and Bogners I've played. More punch, better feel and more aggression. I still love Bogner but I would take the Splawn over the Friedman. Friefmnas to me are over priced, plus the Splawn feels and sounds better to me.

I find the Nitro fatter and chewier than the QR. Personal preference.

Had a Mark V and didn't like it.
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Yep - that is the general consensus although there are some QR owners that like V30s. Scott is good people. Amps are very affordable. KSE used Quick Rods for a bit live.

Are you still loving your Splawn or Splawns? Not sure how many you have.
I've been wanting a Nitro for quite some time. It's more my thing than the Quick rod although both are amazing.

I don't know how much they have changed in recent years with circuit design, I'm never sure which year's to look at for pre-owned. I don't think I'll be able to swing a new one. :(
That’s what’s cool about the older amps. The mark iii’s, IIC+’s, early Revision Recto’s and modded vintage Marshall’s can get as high gain or compressed as needed but sound raw and organic from being vintage. It’s always been a much more inspiring quality of sound for me where I feel more connected with the gear
I have a 2002 Dual Rec that I'll never part with. It's modified and sounds incredible.
It's got a charm all it's one and just sounds huge and complex. I love that I can sculpt it so well with a boost or OD. Love that about those old DRs.

Not a big fan of the Mark series amps however
Are you still loving your Splawn or Splawns? Not sure how many you have.
I've been wanting a Nitro for quite some time. It's more my thing than the Quick rod although both are amazing.

I don't know how much they have changed in recent years with circuit design, I'm never sure which year's to look at for pre-owned. I don't think I'll be able to swing a new one. :(
I just have the one Quick Rod. I run it at half power, treble on 0, loop volume box. Never played a Nitro but would like to. I believe it was 2014 or so when the 'fully loaded' Quick Rods came out. If I was starting over, I'd look for one of those. I never use the clean channel on mine. I use my Mesa Rectoverb for that - really nice cleans. Real clean to edge of break up cleans. I also just got a Dual Rectifier. It is amazing too. :yes:
I saw where you said dry…that’s vht all day long dude. Or fryette…whatever…get an ultralead…lol..