Bad news for B.A.D

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I heard all about about this "back ordered before the fire" business from Tone-Talk before the fire, so it's definitely not a BS excuse, it's the truth.

A series of unforeseen circumstances have conspired to create this crappy situation for all involved. But life will throw challenges our way, it's like that. We must face and get through them, and I believe that's gonna happen here. Thankfully the fire didn't burn down the actual part of the facility that BAD uses to manufacture their products.
Well here is what I can tell you.. Im currently testing new amps.. Trying to get back in full swing as soon as possible. Going to be testing this week also. Thanks Please be patient as we are waiting on new items to replace what was lost so we can finish off and ship new production..
Best of luck to get back to 100%. 👍
You're entitled to how you feel, no doubt, and I too would be frustrated with your situation. The brands within BAD have less control and Jon BCN is right that the music stores are more to blame here: that is where any anger/concern should be placed.
This isnt about how I feel. Its about the fact that there has been ZERO communication from B.A.D. about setting deliverable expectation or status in any capacity. You have the dependencies backwards here. My music store is deliverable and informationally dependent on B.A.D. Not the other way around. How is the music store to set expectation when there is ZERO communication from the supplier? B.A.D. sources the parts, builds the amps and schedules deliverables.

Communication is the issue here. Not the delay due to circumstances. Turn the discussion on delays and unfortunate circumstances over and over again, my music shop probably still has no formal communication on status from B.A.D.

The issue is ZERO communication. There was a failure or decision to not provide any information to level set expectations in any capacity from B.A.D. I dont care about the delay, if I knew there would be one....

But to quote this "Entitled Asshole"
A simple email in the middle of June to a distributed list of dealers that couldve been used to inform customers what to expect concerning their deliverables would‘ve gone a long way.
There's that "hole" communication thing again. Pun intended.
Someone in this predicament can ask for a refund and be done with the uncertainty.

That's the reasonable thing to do.

The issue is ZERO communication

They have already told you they are trying their best, it's obvious they can't give you a date because if then they fail to deliver on that date, you are going to trash talk them even more.

Really, what other thing do you expect from them to say to you? Their building got on fire, they are trying to catch up.

This comes down to having a little bit of empathy for people going through a really hard time. If you are that worried, get your deposit back. And if the music store doesn't want to give it back to you, then that's their fault, not BAD's.
Well here is what I can tell you.. Im currently testing new amps.. Trying to get back in full swing as soon as possible. Going to be testing this week also. Thanks Please be patient as we are waiting on new items to replace what was lost so we can finish off and ship new production..
If you ever get back to Cleveland ( Guitar Riot ) let me know and I'll take you to Slymans.
Not sure if Brent and the crew took you there but they do a Corn Beef sandwich bigger than the Hulks fist.

Ever forward ,
~ JB ~
This isnt about how I feel. Its about the fact that there has been ZERO communication from B.A.D. about setting deliverable expectation or status in any capacity. You have the dependencies backwards here. My music store is deliverable and informationally dependent on B.A.D. Not the other way around. How is the music store to set expectation when there is ZERO communication from the supplier? B.A.D. sources the parts, builds the amps and schedules deliverables.

Communication is the issue here. Not the delay due to circumstances. Turn the discussion on delays and unfortunate circumstances over and over again, my music shop probably still has no formal communication on status from B.A.D.

The issue is ZERO communication. There was a failure or decision to not provide any information to level set expectations in any capacity from B.A.D. I dont care about the delay, if I knew there would be one....

But to quote this "Entitled Asshole"

There's that "hole" communication thing again. Pun intended.
I'm a business owner. Yesterday I had to take my iwatch & iPhone and put them in my truck so I could get through a job without the constant calls from people wanting something done immediately, as if I'm the Maytag repairman! From what they tell me, no one answers the phone anymore. Wonder why? I'm a house painter and that's how I make money, not much money doing handyman services and always a "why did it cost so much?" when I bill them. Painting, I tell you upfront how much and then you can tell me how fast I did the job as you pay me.

Have some empathy for these overwhelmed workers. We're fucking doing everything we can with what we have and if you overload us, we have no way to even stop to tell YOU to STOP with your nonstop questions that you know the answer to but won't accept!

Stop zeroing in on a single statement, ignoring the context of the entire message and redirect the onus in your response. You've done this before.

The issue is ZERO communication. There was a failure or decision to not provide any information to level set expectations in any capacity from B.A.D. I dont care about the delay, if I knew there would be one....
This is the issue.

They have already told you they are trying their best, it's obvious they can't give you a date because if then they fail to deliver on that date, you are going to trash talk them even more.
"They have already told you they are trying their best". Great. No insight was revealed until they were called out. LETS BE HONEST ABOUT THAT. The late delivery with no communication was turning into an issue before the fire. To bad if it bothers people calling out a company that ignores it's paying customers. No argument makes ignoring paying customers for months on end an acceptable business practice before and after unforeseeable circumstances. Am I wrong here? I don't get the cheerleading. Put the pom poms down. Calling someone out for shitty communication practices is a far cry from trash talking.

I'm was never looking for a door step delivery date, I was looking for an update. Go back and re-read my previous posts because you missed it. Re-read post #89 on page 5. I really do think it could've been that simple.

Really, what other thing do you expect from them to say to you? Their building got on fire, they are trying to catch up.
Really, go back and read my previous post #89 on page 5. Its could've really been that easy, send one of those messages to your retailers. That's kinda information I was expecting to get from my local music shop 2, 3, 4 weeks after the fire on June 1st. In stead, nobody still knew nothing on the 29th. Until we got the micro update on the 29th. @DF, thanks....

This comes down to having a little bit of empathy for people going through a really hard time.
We have all been through hard times and some of us even harder. God Bless thoughs who have been through the hardest.
Our Sales guy is available to any dealer for answers to questions on deliveries.. Right now there is no answer really, its completely impossible to tell you.. We literally have had a months disruption to product leaving.. Still waiting on things like boxes and tolex and such from a messed up supply chain..
...Unsure which brand is the one that had zero communication, but anytime I've emailed Friedman, I get a reply within 24 hours, 100% of the time. I'm left to believe 1 out of the other 5 committed a crime.

On another note, some people sweep, and some get swept away. I'm unsure what bitching about it on a forum does, ultimately. Sure, always good to have a PSA that helps others, but this isn't quite that. It's a personal grievance we can all relate to and it sucks.

Anyone can contact any of those brands themselves to get information; it's not hard. When my tailor doesn't call me to say my pants are ready, I reach out to them. I'm proactive like that. I don't wait for ships to come in when their past delivery dates; I go get information. If they're delayed, I can't swim out to the ocean and bring them in myself; I'm not strong enough. However, if my expectations aren't met, I may sometimes let them know depending on the item or issue and will request a concession if it's really warranted, of which they can tell me to go kick rocks, and if they did, what can I do? Learn a lesson about them and take my money and time elsewhere.

These aren't pom-poms for anyone, but I couldn't sit here and read this without pointing out quite simply what's lost here...Resiliency and basic problem-solving skills should be taught more in school as it's clearly not a by-product of common sense.

I never get into this kind of shit, but this is so counter to values and principles I live by that I see people shitting on every day because of what amounts to spilled milk in the grand scheme of life, perspective completely lost, and I guess I'm triggered by constant bitching instead of developing personal solutions and resiliance.
>> The issue is ZERO communication. ... I dont care about the delay, if
>> I knew there would be one ...
> This is the issue.

Right, you don't like uncertainty, it's making you uncomfortable. I
think it's safe to say we've all been there. And like I said before,
there is a solution: ask for a refund and the uncertainty vanishes.

> No argument makes ignoring paying customers for months on end
> an acceptable business practice before and after unforeseeable
> circumstances. Am I wrong here?

You're not wrong, but again, there is a solution to your problem which
it seems you are reluctant to take advantage of, i.e. requesting a

I understand, naturally, that you want information about the status of
your order, and that you feel entitled to some communication. That's
reasonable, but now that you know the communication is disapointing it
only perpetuates the frustration to hold on to "being right" and the
other "being wrong" rather than getting your money back and moving on.
This is especially relevant when you know those who you are upset with
are dealing with an extremely challenging and unfortunate situation.

The pushback to your complaints in this thread might just be a result
of those of us without skin in the game thinking your predicament isn't
nearly as messed up as BAD's.

No insight was revealed until they were called out.

First of all, did you contact them in the first place?

And second, after a Covid year and their building being on fire you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to know they aren't going to be capable of giving a specific date to you.

You could have understood the situation and ask for a refund if it's something it bothers you as much as you claim it does, but somehow you prefer to not ask for a refund and complain at the same time.

We have all been through hard times and some of us even harder

And I hope you wouldn't had to deal with people who acts like you in those hard times.
Our Sales guy is available to any dealer for answers to questions on deliveries.. Right now there is no answer really, its completely impossible to tell you.. We literally have had a months disruption to product leaving.. Still waiting on things like boxes and tolex and such from a messed up supply chain..
The current state of supply is ridiculous. I ordered a pile of speaker frames 1st week of October. I was told they'd arrive in January. Usually it's a 12-14 week timeframe. That shipment arrived on April 20th, 6 months and 3 weeks later. I wasn't given updates except "very soon now". I think a lot of businesses are in the same situation, as well as paying extra fees for shipping, etc.

It is what it is unfortunately at this time.
Dave has always been prompt and professional in my experience. Hopefully things get moving in a better direction sooner rather than later.

From the Facebook page of Avi Elkiss, owner of B.A.D.

To Our Valued Customers, Dealers, Vendors and Friends,

Exactly one month ago today we were blindsided by a fire that consumed the building immediately to the back of our factory. The inferno that reduced that 30,000 sq/ft building to ashes in a manner of minutes and bent the massive structural steel beams into question marks, literally stopped at our footstep.

Had the fire crossed just a foot into our wood shop this post would read much differently. When you see how close we came to destruction and the fact that there is no logical reason the fire didn’t enter our building - there are only two words that come to mind - thank G-D.
The most important fact above all else is that no one was hurt. Whenever I think of the struggle ahead, I think about that fact and realize how grateful we all are.

The physical damage is absolutely massive but I have decided to simply focus on what we got to keep, rather than what we lost. Our business was saved because of the brave fire fighters and first responders that fought so hard to push back the flames. There are simply not enough words to thank them for their heroism and bravery. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Boutique Amps Distribution is a family. The passionate men and women that work side by side to produce the great gear so many love and rely on, are the very fabric of who we are. We got into this mess as a family and we will rise again as a family. Every employee has and will continue to be employed. Our suppliers and dealers have also been extremely supportive in offering everything possible to get us back up on our feet. Reading everyone’s comments and well wishes has been comforting and humbling. It’s heart warming to receive so much love and support.
Since the accident the BAD team has been working around the clock to get back to production. I am happy to announce that today we have taken possession of a 52,000 sq/ft temporary facility which we will be start working from. We will resume some production in the days and weeks ahead and move as quickly as possible to full production.

Watching our factory come to a screeching halt so suddenly was difficult to see and in many respects sad. Today, however, we celebrate, because instead of sharing the typical “we’ll be back” - now that we have a new facility to operate from, I am thrilled to tell you: “we’re back!”

Thank you everyone for being so supportive.

Avi Elkiss
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