Battling Lung Cancer and Receiving Blessings from Zakk Wylde

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Hey guys, long time member. Haven’t been on in awhile.

As some of you may know I play in a Ozzy Osbourne tribute band based out of Houston, TX named Ozz and post videos every now and then. I’ve had the privilege to meet Zakk Wylde a few times at VIP meet and greets and he actually follows our Instagram page and comments on our content every so often. Huge honor for us.

About six months ago I played a show and just didn’t feel right before during and after the show. I went and got checked out the next day and they discovered a tumor in my left lung and was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer soon after. Completely turned my life upside down. I’ve been going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments since then. Had some issues last week and had to go to the hospital for a few days. I guess Zakk saw a post on our Instagram that I was in the hospital and messaged our page to get my contact info. Sure enough he text me. He hoped I was feeling better and sent prayers and strength and asked for my mailing address to send a Black Label care package.

Thankfully, I got home from the hospital last Thursday. Grateful to be home. Zakk’s care package arrived on Tuesday of this week, the day after my 50th birthday and I was blown away. I was thinking he sent I copy of the new album and a coffee cup. Man, was I wrong.

Zakk sent the guitar he played during the last Zakk Sabbath tour along with a bunch of packs of strings, a bag of his guitar picks and and a handwritten note. It’s the Wylde Audio purple vertigo Barbarian. Below is some video and pics my wife took while I opened it. As you can tell I was in complete shock.

Zakk is the kindest and most big hearted rockstar guitar god I’ve ever heard of. I hear so many stories of his acts of kindness to his fans. He treats them like family.
It definitely was a huge lift to my spirit.

I finished my last radiation treatment Nov. 17th and finished my last chemo treatment 6 weeks ago today. I have no immune system at the moment and I’m basically a energyless ball of flesh ? And still recovering from being in the hospital last week from a serious lung infection due to the radiation treatments. And of course I lost my hair along the way while in treatment. Ugh. I’ve had long hair since high school so being bald now is definitely different. Showers are a lot quicker now though. ? I’m in the next phase of treatment now which is getting immunotherapy infusions once a month for the next year. They are supposed to help build you back up and teach your immune system to identify and kill cancer cells. But of course this comes with it’s own long list of side effects so you have to see how your body reacts to it. I received my first one on Jan 27th. One down 11 to go. I still have a tumor. It has shrunk since I started treatment last October and I pray it continues to shrink. I’ll get scans every 3 months to monitor it.

I pretty much stopped playing when I was diagnosed. I just didn’t feel like it. But happy to say I’ve gotten that itch back and have been playing a lot over the last week and especially the last few days since Zakk’s gift. It’s definitely made my soul feel so good. But man am I rusty! :p

At one point I was worried if I’d even make it to see my 50th birthday. But thanks to my doctors and lots of prayers from family and friends to the good lord above I’m still here and will continue fighting everyday. And thanks to the big heart of Zakk he made it a birthday I’ll never forget.

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Insane Todd???
What a great guy Zakk is to actually take the time and send you such a special gift!
Hope you heal soon, Prayers sent your way brother??
I'm very sorry to hear this sad news Victim! Hang in there with the fight! Prayers sent to you and your family!

That was very thoughtful of Zakk for sure!
Wow Todd....this is awesome! Fight the Good fight Brotha. Always loved your videos. Rock on! Thanks for moving to rig-talk forum moderators
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Wow that's an awesome care package! Enjoy.

So glad you're still kicking, prayers for a full recovery and no more cancer. Be well!
Best wishes for a full recovery. Kudos to you for getting your symptoms checked out early.
Much love to you man. So awesome for Zakk to do all that for you. With all the shit you've gone through, you deserve it. Enjoy!!
1st I'm sorry to hear of your situational and hope you make a full speedy recovery very soon.

I was originally a Jersey boy (now a proud free Floridan) and back in the early 80s (high schools as ill be 50 in a couples weeks) Zack occasionally worked at a local music store. We were punk little kids hanging out at the store and he was always cool to us. Believe me a lot of those guys were dicks.

My friend Mike P took lessons from him and I remember the day he was on a plane to audition for Ozzy.

He was a very good dude back then and amazing to hear how he is now.

Great story. Hoping to hear you play that for many years.

Godspeed Todd.
Hey brother I wish you a fast and healthy recovery !

Wow I am blown away by what Zakk did for you, fricken love that guy man ! What a beautiful human being.

Be well and keep playing !
Mojo sent!

My buddy is battling Lymphoma. Stay strong! Keep a good mental attitude! You can win!
Man what a great guy. My dream is to one day mod a Marshall for Zakk that he approves of and wants to play.

I’ve been thinking of you lately and figured you were our touring again. You always covered the songs with the whole band that I was just learning on my own Lol ?

Don’t worry about your playing. It’s like riding a bicycle. You’ll knock the rust off and come back with a fresh passion in no time at all.

Cheers dude and congrats on your wonderful present from the father himself! Amazing that it’s been played - please give us some insight to his setup preferences and action!