Been humbled by Rig Talk

In my Charvel Dan thread I swear to God I had a clip of me playing ain't talking about love laughing the whole time but I decided not to use that one

I did it once too. I dialed in a "you really got me" tone with a cranked plexi profile that was about 100 times better than that one guy who thinks the first album was a jose

Sometimes you can't help it, they are really insane about evh, and god forbid you can't recite the "lords prayer"

"the first album HaS ToO MuCh GAiN To bE a StOcK MarShALl"
I get it I mean you're not wrong. But I have a son who is currently at the age that I started playing guitar.

In my late teens and early twenties I used to play in a band and played huge festivals and travel and do the thing. It was super cool but it feels like a lifetime ago to the point where I just feel like I'm so old that I could never be in an active band again. I couldn't think of a username so it was basically because of that shit.

Formally known as maddnotez I was banned for trolling a long time ago.
There's a big group of us vaguely around this same age range, generally we're butting heads with the boomers


After reviewing my schedule it looks like I still have unfinished JAMES TYLER work that needs completed here so I'm going to have to back burner AFRiCAN PRIDE for the time being. You sold three of them, now the entire forum must be punished for your misdeeds that way we build some unit cohesion.
After reviewing my schedule it looks like I still have unfinished JAMES TYLER work that needs completed here so I'm going to have to back burner AFRiCAN PRIDE for the time being. You sold three of them, now the entire forum must be punished for your misdeeds that way we build some unit cohesion.

In my defense, they sucked :hys:
After reviewing my schedule it looks like I still have unfinished JAMES TYLER work that needs completed here so I'm going to have to back burner AFRiCAN PRIDE for the time being. You sold three of them, now the entire forum must be punished for your misdeeds that way we build some unit cohesion.