Behringer Clones

I don’t actively dislike Behringer’s guitar stuff, but I have no desire to buy any of their guitar stuff because I’m primarily a guitar player who geeks out over guitar gear, which means the original stuff is way more exciting for me.

But I’ll buy Behringer recording gear and stuff like that all day long because I’m not passionate about recording gear in the same way I am about guitar gear.

With guitar gear, I want the sound and the vibe, but with recording gear, I just want the sound, I don’t care about the vibe, so a copy of the circuit is good enough for me. And also I’m not hard on my studio gear by any means so I don’t really worry much about durability.
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How do you guys feel about all this? Behringer doesn't have a great reputation or track record, but they are doing something that, while controversial, is actually working for them. Their clones of rare synths for example is bringing gear to people who could not dream of obtaining the originals, and their quality has improved over the years. Is Behringer a real brand now?

I have a few Behringer synths that would otherwise be cost-prohibitive and maintenance nightmares to own. Those who are saying they're junk likely haven't owned any.

My first Behringer synth clone, and I I still own it, is the Poly-D, all analogue minimoog with 4-voice poly (the original minimoog was a monosynth).

Behringer | Product | POLY D

Next up, I got the Beheringer Odyssey, all analog clone of ARP Odyssey.

Behringer ODYSSEY Analog Synthesizer

Keeping with the ARP theme, I got the Behringer 2600 all-analog clone of the ARP 2600

Behringer 2600 Analog Semi-modular Synthesizer | Guitar Center

Finally, I got the Behringer System-55 all-analog eurorack clone of the Moog System-55, which is upward of $35K+if you can find one; Moog did a reissue, and they were $35K. The Behringer System-55 was originally around $3500, they did a price drop down to $1599 new, which is what I paid, they're now $1699 new.

Behringer | Product | SYSTEM 55

No issues, work and sound great...I'd never take these out of the house though. I'd probably be in the $80K+ range if these were all working originals; if that's what you have to have, go for it. I'm in for under $8K or so.

Works for me.

Haterz gonna hate.

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the VonBonfire Deluxe ..........

the right side will be a slighlty modded Gladio SC ..... and the other side will be the 2nd channel of the original Gladio ...

each side will have it's own in and outs .... so you could run them separately .... or run something inbetween the two like a loop ... same thing I did for the T.O.K. pedal ..... but the the SC side will run into the channel 2 side if the loop isn't implemented

this will be my version ..... and who ever else might want one .... it will be on a non painted aluminum ( but matte clear coated enclosure ) before I price out the keyboard size build VonBonfire actually wants .... will have the blue and green LED Footswitches with matching aluminum Davies knobs

View attachment 388397

In rock mode, that will be perfect for Kiss covers.
