Best Modern Tones

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All the mention of HM2 here... are we talking Boss HM-2 pedal?
Yeah Entombed and Dismember made that sound famous, they call it the Swedish Chainsaw sound. It's basically a maxed out, all knobs on ten 80's HM2 mixed with a standard overdrive or distortion from another amp. There's quite a lot of pedals that emulate this sound nowadays. I just bought the TC Eyemaster on Reverb for $45 and I think it sounds killer run into an overdriven channel for that sound. Lichtlaerm pedals makes the Medusa (more functional clone of the HM2) that has an FX loop on it and a blend knob, so you could theoretically blend a distortion pedal in with it but I haven't seen anyone try that yet.
What is modern tone? Please define it. It seems to be everything recorded since Metallica started recording with rectifiers in the 80's. I hear no advancement in high gain guitar tone in the last 30 years. If your $5k amp is so amazing, why do you still need boost or OD Pedals to make it sound right?
(Old metal head rant over! ?)
Because it takes different things to find your own sound . Ya I can plug straight into a 2c++ and sound exactly like Master of Puppets . Good tone / but THEIR tone . We also are just gear whose . I’ll say this . When it comes to finding a tone I’m serious about what I said . BUT big butt . I don’t believer production is better today . Black album Dr feel good and demanufacture still are the best to me . And maybe obsolete
So we agree on production
What is modern tone? Please define it. It seems to be everything recorded since Metallica started recording with rectifiers in the 80's. I hear no advancement in high gain guitar tone in the last 30 years. If your $5k amp is so amazing, why do you still need boost or OD Pedals to make it sound right?
(Old metal head rant over! ?)
Hm rectifiers weren’t around until 1992, so not sure how they did that in the ‘80’s. In general I would agree guitar tone overall hasn’t changed all that much, but there are some worthy, unique modern amps here and there like Hermansson’s and the Wizard Hell Razor neither of which need any boost whatsoever, while most of the great vintage amps do, but it’s all just about getting the best sound one can, so it doesn’t matter to me if it needs one anyway

The MI Audio Megalith Beta, early Uberschall’s and CCV are also great modern amps that I would never use any boosts with (makes them sound choked and just plain worse)
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Beast solo at 2:35 too. These guys keep selling arenas out.
So, slow guitar players with a short attention span are in.

You guys are in ;)
IMO, some of the Neural DSP Archetype plugins capture modern guitar tones. The Petrucci and Henson for example; they make modern guitar sounds I actually like to hear.

Another plugin I like (and is my top fav), is PolyChrome DSP McRocklin Suite - it does modern but can also do '80s and earlier/later.

What I hear, and consider modern guitar tones, that I don't like, are tones drenched in shimmering delays and reverbs that lose all definition. A guitar straight into nearly any tube amp would dominate those wispy ethereal tones.

Good example of Archetype Tim Henson:

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Country is not country anymore.

So you don't think a bunch of 53 year old metrosexuals in turquoise cowboy boots with highlights in their long-swoop-bangs-in-front-spikes-in-back Karen haircuts rapping over fiddles, mandolins, and hand claps counts as country?!

What about the creepy 32 year old dudes with meticulously curated facial hair, diamond ear rings, and a slit shaved into their eyebrows who lick their lips into the camera while they sing over background hand claps about getting all up in my truck with them painted-on jeans, girl? You don't think that's country either?
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Diezel,Mesa and some fuzz pedals i think.
I've seen studio pictures with a Diezel Lil' Fokker,VH4 and Mark series stuff.
Interesting...I didn't know he was a Diezel guy, but makes perfect sense.