If the prices of those D/13 amps were divided by 13 I still wouldn’t want one, unless to flip. AB it with a good vintage amp that it’s trying to be like and it’s like the vintage amp has a tone that’s multiplied by 13
That's actually a quote I made up relating
to numbers cannot feel emotion, -
so stop your bitching and fight your way through it!(-Corey Taylor)
Dude, with the amps that flopped, I get why.
Most of those you mention are rather loud & girthy,
'solid bold'.
These "artifacts" feather into the sound of a full live band mix, many times in choice ways.
As well as being dialed in & out at the board.
Now at home or even a small 3 piece gentle group of pickers & sinner's, these amps SUCK.
Like..are you f'n serious?
My Flextone II Trumps all this shit!!
An example would be DrZ and sweat'hogging
hard playing a 7 piece country band.
That girthsolid bold nature is the cement
for those crazy country scale extensions
to sing and even be heard.
You better be a bad ass to pull that also.
You're a classical guy so I bet you get the extension component of country scales.
Another would be that Oasis prick,
Noel Penis'head.
He runs JCM 900's with melting gitter'done AC30's for that brit-pop crunch.
-Whatever works, just keep doing it,
ya might get famous kid.-