Best pick scratches recorded

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For some reason the first thing that comes to mind is Boston for some reason, though I can't think of any specific example. I feel like Tom Scholz had some good'ns

Or I'm just imagining shit
Don't Look Back has some good sounding ones for sure. I think you are right in general about Boston
That, a destroyer, or an Iceman would be the main Ibanez I would be interested in
Local shop near me had an old Iceman. Guitar played great and sounded killer but standing up the neck dive might have been one of the worst I have ever experienced...and I am not that kind of dude that gets worked by neck dive easily.
Local shop near me had an old Iceman. Guitar played great and sounded killer but standing up the neck dive might have been one of the worst I have ever experienced...and I am not that kind of dude that gets worked by neck dive easily.
Yeah it's really hard to find a balanced one
When I read the title my first thought was “Lord strike that poor boy down” but when I went and listened it just sounded like a ‘typical’ great scrape by Ed.

I still like the scrape tone of a Fender celluloid pick. I got used to the little Jazz IIIs but they don’t scrape for shit so I now use the Fender 551 Heavy for scrape-age.
Inflames's embody the Invisible start. First song off of the Colony album. ??
Lol…That was the song that instantly sprang to mind for me. Unfortunately I love my pointy tortex picks and they don’t hold a candle to those classic Fender picks for scrapes.