Best Power amp for the FISH

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Hey All;

I just did a lay-away on a new FISH preamp, and I am hoping some of you out there may have experience with the FISH. I am trying to figure out which power amp would be the best to get for the FISH. I am hoping to be able to get a good classic rock sound, and well as some harder rock, metal and fusion type tones (think Chris Poland with OHM). I have been considering a VHT/Fryette 2/50/2 or something along those lines, but really, I am not sure what to get. I am also hoping to go the used route, since I don't have huge funds left over after the money going toward the FISH.

If anyone has spent some time with a FISH and has some useful advice, I would really appreciate it. Thanks much.

I think when the Fish guys hook up here, they are going to say VHT.
My 2/50/2 sounds great with it wish I still had my Marshall 20/20 just to see what flavor that would add!
steve_k":26jxd8oe said:
I think when the Fish guys hook up here, they are going to say VHT.

That was funny "Fish guys hook"......LOL. Thanks for the info.
rockerjt":uini5oxb said:
steve_k":uini5oxb said:
I think when the Fish guys hook up here, they are going to say VHT.

That was funny "Fish guys hook"......LOL. Thanks for the info.

That was totally unintentional too. Shit............. :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
The best would be the Kraftwerk 1


SCNR :lol: :LOL: (I know that those are only faceplates w/ nothing behind it)
Yeah, I excitedly called Bogner when I saw that pic, only to have Charlie tell me they were a mock up. I have a video where Mr. bogner is talking about these power amps, but I guess they never came to be. Too bad.
Piero the Guitarero":1frvcacn said:
The best would be the Kraftwerk 1


SCNR :lol: :LOL: (I know that those are only faceplates w/ nothing behind it)
The Vht Classic is the best sounding power amp for the fish. The VHT 2150 is also killer but a little different. Bogner is not going to come out with their power amps. They told me they dont believe theirs a market for them. I told them their crazy :rock: and there u have it
I'm probably the odd man out here but I'm using a mesa 20/20 with
the fish. Not looking for death metal tones and it has enough bottom
end for my taste. Also have an old mesa 295 that I have played the
fish through but I tend to come back to the 20/20...
Wow, really? I used a 50/50 years ago, never thought about the 20/20. Need something with a bit more power, but not looking for death metal tones either. Maybe a 50/50 would be a good way to go for a while. Then again, I could use a Mosvalve 962 like Chris Poland; he has amazing tone with his FISH, but then again, half of it is probably just the genius of the man himself. Probably my favorite guitarist out there now. OHM: :rock:

Hail Satin":1u80av68 said:
I'm probably the odd man out here but I'm using a mesa 20/20 with
the fish. Not looking for death metal tones and it has enough bottom
end for my taste. Also have an old mesa 295 that I have played the
fish through but I tend to come back to the 20/20...
I should have mentioned that the 20/20 has the deep mod done to it
(which I can switch in and out). The deep engaged really seems to pump
up the overall "loudness" of the amp.

I've never played through a 50/50 but it to me, it seems that nearly all of
the mesa power amps sound pretty good.

I remember a buddy of mine demoing a fish at andy brauer's back in the early
90's and he went through a series of power amps (vht 2150, classic, mesa strategy
400 and 295 etc...) One thing sticks with me, the mesa power amps were darker
sounding than the rest that we tried.

In my case, the midrange rich 20/20 seems to complement the brown channel
of the fish (and surprisingly the shark channel as well).

Congrats on the purchase, now the fun part begins!

White power amp and Shiva were suppose to be for me - never made. They were to go with this Fish:


As you can see I use a VHT Classic with the Fish.

Have a Black Classic and Black Fish as well. Sounds amazing.
Ah, I almost had to change my pants after seeing that VHT Classic with the FISH; that is what I want. Can't afford the classic though.

I am going to use the Mosvalve 962 until I get the funds together for a good power amp (prob the 2502, but we will see). I asked John Suhr about this, and he thinks the Mesa 2:90 is the best thing to run any preamp into, unless you can run it into the power section of an early JCM800. I know it isn't ideal, but I can get rolling with the Mosvalve. It works for Chris Poland. \m/

Thanks for the info guys, and keep me in mind if anyone has a 2502 for sale in a couple of months.
You've got the Cantrell mod on that bad boy; what do you think of it? Is it worth having done? I have been considering it, depending on whether I can make the Shark channel work for me.

Shark Diver":32d6ik7a said:
White power amp and Shiva were suppose to be for me - never made. They were to go with this Fish:


As you can see I use a VHT Classic with the Fish.

Have a Black Classic and Black Fish as well. Sounds amazing.
rockerjt":3emyxgg3 said:
You've got the Cantrell mod on that bad boy; what do you think of it? Is it worth having done? I have been considering it, depending on whether I can make the Shark channel work for me.

Yes, to me it is worth it. The 3-way toggle was useless IMO. This one has no Strato channel, it has 2 brown channels. The black one I have has the JC mod and everything else is normal. But I might give it 2 Strato channels. That way the shared eq works better.
I thought about the dual brown channel mod; I guess I will have to see how the strato channel works for me. I really want the Cantrell mod, although it is my understanding that JC can get the JC sound out of the new fish on the brown channel (I guess he bought 2 reissues and neither of them have the mod).
rockerjt":2349mr3c said:
I thought about the dual brown channel mod; I guess I will have to see how the strato channel works for me. I really want the Cantrell mod, although it is my understanding that JC can get the JC sound out of the new fish on the brown channel (I guess he bought 2 reissues and neither of them have the mod).

I did the 2 Browns simply because I liked the Brown more than the Strato. I was having a hard time dialing both in with a shared eq, Seemed like there was always a compromise to both of them.

I guess if JC is getting it from the brown that is cool. But the mod is quite different from the Brown channel. Maybe JC is mellowing in his old age. :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Ultimately, I will probably end up with both mods.

Thanks for the info.

Shark Diver":188ur9gm said:
rockerjt":188ur9gm said:
I thought about the dual brown channel mod; I guess I will have to see how the strato channel works for me. I really want the Cantrell mod, although it is my understanding that JC can get the JC sound out of the new fish on the brown channel (I guess he bought 2 reissues and neither of them have the mod).

I did the 2 Browns simply because I liked the Brown more than the Strato. I was having a hard time dialing both in with a shared eq, Seemed like there was always a compromise to both of them.

I guess if JC is getting it from the brown that is cool. But the mod is quite different from the Brown channel. Maybe JC is mellowing in his old age. :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Okay ... had my fish for right at a year now .... had a Boogie 2:90 on order for 6 months ... still waiting ... the best my fish has sounded since I've had it is thru the power section of my 101b ... however ... and I've said in past posts that I was too embarrassed to say what I am playing it thru ... but what the hell .... right now my fish is at a practice room and I just had to have something to play it thru ... here goes .... wait for it :confused: .... wait for it :confused: ... a Peavey 65 watt guitar power amp .... blasphemy you say ... :doh: ... guess what .... the thing sounds great ... yes it could sound better and will, and yes ... where it is at, we are playing a lot of southern rock ... but don't laugh too loud :hys: ... because I can't believe the sound it's getting ... going thru a Genz Benz George Lynch 2/12 cab .... crazy I know ... and the kicker is ... I have never changed the tubes in that thing, it didn't really have too many hours on it before the fish ... and I probably got it around 89 or so ... it was the first power amp I used for my ADA's back in the day ... nope wait ... the first power I used was the power section of a Laney AOR ... but still ... is that crazy or what ... I'm not suggesting that you go yard sale hunting for an old Peavey ... and after much consideration ... I have decided on the Boogie .... I'm just saying ... this forum is filled with deep pockets ... and sometimes in the meantime ... something lying around will still give you some enjoyment :rock: