Best thrash / extreme metal tones ever

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Thrash and extreme? Or thrash and/or extreme?

Devin townsend has had some stuff that was extreme and awesome. If this is what you were after then I'll do some more leg work.

If we're talking thrash and extreme. Venom or mercyful fate. Leaning towards venom. Which if memory serves marshall jcm800. And I'll go with
.. black metal as the album. Semi lo fi, very extreme for the time and still holds its own.
Such a killer tone an album.
Any idea what they played on that? Phil told me it was Mesas, but it sounds almost processed, and I remember them touring with rack gear back then.
Honestly, I think they were boosting JCM 800's with Metal Zones. That was the Florida death metal crazy back then.
IMHO, Josh Middleton has some of the best metal guitar tones going. Peavey 5150 into a Mesa Recto 412. I believe he boosts with a Maxon OD8.
