My first Diezel experience was a buddy's Einstein at his home back in Phoenix, AZ. Loved it!
Then I played a used Herbert at Guitar Center and fell in love even more, but wanted to save a grand and got a D-Moll.
Nothing against D-Moll but it just wasn't for me, and in retrospect the Einstein wasn't what the Herbert is either.
The D-Moll didn't have enough balls or chunk, especially with my single coil Strat.
So I dumped the D-Moll and paid the extra and got my Herbert and never looked back.
Just an AMAZING head. You will be MUCH happier with a Herbert than your D-Moll, trust me.
I have a Paul and a Strat and the G-System and my Herbert half stack. There's pics on the Diezel users gallery thread on the last page, look for a Silverburst Custom Paul and Olympic White Strat with the G and the Herb half.
My ultimate goal is get the front load cab with the G12 K-100s and put my Herbert through that, then get a VH4 head and run that through my RL for two seperate rigs. >;0) I have noticed MANY users on the forum here tend to have both the Herbert and the VH4. For Diezel owners who own more than one Diezel, that is by far the most common combination I've noticed.