Bet Joe Didn't See This Coming!

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Looks like even Trump voters are waking up and getting behind the legislation.
Gonna be interesting to see how this changes the dynamic for Manchin.


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Another complete and utter POS that makes IGNORE useful.

Bub bye Keith.

Manchin is a Republican with a Yacht from the poorest State in the Union. Why would he help people especially the one's that elected him ?
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Manchin is a Republican with a Yacht from the poorest State in the Union. Why would he help people especially the one's that elected him ?

If the people of WV don’t like the decisions that Manchin is making, then they’re free to not keep electing him to office.
Manchin's always had a smooth ride back home.
This is a pretty big bump for him.
UMWA is powerful, but more importantly has a strong alliance with the AFL-CIO.

They have immense influence when it comes to politicians.
If the AFL-CIO comes out with a statement supporting the UMWA it's going to really make Manchin have to do some heavy work.

Like I said, he usually breezes. He's gotta at least do some PR spin back home for sure.
So Biden wants to Build Back Better with coal now? So fucking confused.

Bro Krull,
Don’t ask any questions, just trust him,
He can’t remember if he ate lunch, but He will carry the country through this tough time, after all, 81 million votes👍😂
Manchin having to do PR back home? That’s funny. He’s a democrat representing the redest state in the union. He’s doing exactly what his constituents want him to do. They do not want Biden’s big pork barrel spending plan that would increase inflation if it were passed. If JM were to vote yes on BBB, he’d be toast back home. The leftists are just pissed that he has the balls to stand up to them.
Manchin having to do PR back home?
Did you know that the UMWA has about a dozen districts in WV. All I'm saying is he's in uncharted waters with the 80,000 members of a union he never had to worry over.

Read their statement. They get it that it ain't worth hurting their members just to stick it to Biden.

JM better hope the AFL-CIO doesn't get involved.

Thanks for the civil chat.
And ya, when a Democrat has to use Fox to make announcements it's pretty obvious who he represents. :ROFLMAO:
JM knows what’s he’s doing, and he knows who his constituents are. He will outlive this and the radical leftists that have taken over the Democratic Party. That’s my opinion. We’ll see what happens, but I don’t think JM is going anywhere.
JM knows that inflation is hurting the people he represents. He knows that BBB is full of pork barrel spending that will add to inflation and make it worse. He actually understands how economics works and isn’t afraid to put the breaks on “pie in the sky” spending. Inflation is a defacto tax on the poor/lower middle class.
Manchin serves the Republican agenda and had no power til 2020 when Dems took control of Congress.
No one Senator be it McConnell or Manchin are suppose to hold the Congress hostage.
The Government belongs to "We the People."
That's the only reason we have the "right to keep & bear arms".
JM knows what’s he’s doing, and he knows who his constituents are. He will outlive this and the radical leftists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

Didn't say he would get voted out of office over this. Just saying he's got some work to do back home. That's all.

Putting radical leftists and the alt-right aside, the original BBB had already been paired down to eliminate a lot of
the items the far left wanted. Hell, paired down enough that they finally got Sinema on board.

Each admin has their signature HUGE $$$ legislation. Trump had his 2.5 trillion tax cuts.
And every major bill has pork - both sides of the aisle - but this one has some good shit for working Joes.
Some really good shit.

The letter to Manchin from the Coal Miner union spells out a few of them.

I wish the extreme left and right arms of both parties would just fucking go away. Both sides want things that are
not in the best interests of the country as a whole.

The two Joes are going to work this out - that was a given. Not going to be in 2021 like the Dems hoped.
Getting some pressure back home is just going to give JM a bit more incentive to make it work.

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Says the biggest mouth advocate for the extreme far left, just go away.
I love people who claim to be moderate or in the middle but continue to spew out support or beliefs for extreme policies or behaviors.
Mental marshmallows.
Can someone please explain my extreme left positions based on what I've posted here on RT?