Bet Joe Didn't See This Coming!

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I love people who claim to be moderate or in the middle but continue to spew out support or beliefs for extreme policies or behaviors.
Mental marshmallows.

Always the case…
I’m sure if Barry Obama from Kenya would’ve announced he was an extreme left-wing communist, no one would have believed in him and all his bs… Hope, Believe😂
Of course, everything he did (and is still doing) was/is straight out of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ book.
It looks like Joe Manchin isn't afraid of the POS America hating squad. We'll see though, I don't trust any Democrat or RINO for that matter.
Manchin serves the Republican agenda and had no power til 2020 when Dems took control of Congress.
No one Senator be it McConnell or Manchin are suppose to hold the Congress hostage.
The Government belongs to "We the People."
That's the only reason we have the "right to keep & bear arms".
This situation is EXACTLY what our system is designed to do: gridlock stopping radical agendas from being forced through.
Manchin serves his constituents. He’s one of the few classical liberal democrats left who hasn’t bowed the knee to the Bolsheviks taking over his party.
This situation is EXACTLY what our system is designed to do: gridlock stopping radical agendas from being forced through.
Manchin serves his constituents. He’s one of the few classical liberal democrats left who hasn’t bowed the knee to the Bolsheviks taking over his party.
100% When the Bolsheviks don't get their way the temper tantrums commence. I for the life of me will never understand why American with any level of intelligence supports these people.
I for the life of me will never understand why American with any level of intelligence supports these people.
They're partisans, that’s why. Or they’re convinced in the leftist (rather than liberal) agenda. I understand why people would drawn to it. It’s force fed to them none-stop in media, in universities, in pop culture. It’s everywhere you turn. It’s all rooted in post modernism/deconstructionism (truth is what they say it is) and Marxism (they LOVE power, forcing people to agree with them and do what they want them to do).
They're partisans, that’s why. Or they’re convinced in the leftist (rather than liberal) agenda. I understand why people would drawn to it. It’s force fed to them none-stop in media, in universities, in pop culture. It’s everywhere you turn. It’s all rooted in post modernism/deconstructionism (truth is what they say it is) and Marxism (they LOVE power, forcing people to agree with them and do what they want them to do).
I personally would love door number 3 for a choice as I think RINOs are a huge problem as well. But right now we as voters are forced to make a choice between the two parties and I can tell you there is no way in hell I'm choosing a party that's hellbent on destroying this country and the foundations it was built on. Oh, and they think they can change basic biology too! MENTAL ILLNESS
I understand why people would drawn to it. It’s force fed to them none-stop in media, in universities, in pop culture.

What percentage of us 80 million that didn't vote for Trump do you think your description fits?

Anywhere near the percentage of Trump voters who are bigots, racists, and simply afraid of becoming a minority?

Broad brushes suck.
Did someone mention rasist?

I made a very, very bad post once. Long ago in Internet Forum time.

This idiot has copied and re-made that same stupid post about 100 times now.

In an effort to try and get under my skin (with words I've already owned up to and explained)
he's making himself look pretty ugly in the process.

It's like the loud macho male dude always posting gay picks as an insult.

You really have to wonder about Keith. Why does he enjoy seeing that terrible post?
Over, and over, and over, and over , and over again?

What ya hiding Keith?
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What percentage of us 80 million that didn't vote for Trump do you think your description fits?

Anywhere near the percentage of Trump voters who are bigots, racists, and simply afraid of becoming a minority?

Broad brushes suck.
I’d say about the whole 80 million. That’s why I think we’re inevitably moving towards a split in this country. May not be in my lifetime, but we’re moving rather rapidly towards not being able to coexist under the same government. This off topic thread is only a microcosm of the problem. I look forward to the separation.
Interesting how a psychopath can turn the blame on to someone else for something that they’ve done and the try to come off as a sympathetic person who really is so sorry for his actions, BUT will flip at the switch as quick as the next breath, into another angry psychotic mental nut, a very very sick 61 year-old man.
… so ironic how a man who writes this can stoop to the level of calling other people racists.

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I’d say about the whole 80 million. That’s why I think we’re inevitably moving towards a split in this country. May not be in my lifetime, but we’re moving rather rapidly towards not being able to coexist under the same government. This off topic thread is only a microcosm of the problem. I look forward to the separation.
So when the Civil War starts I guess me and you start shooting at each other?

Sad it's gotten to this.
Bet we have shitloads in common once you eliminate red and blue.

Interesting how a psychopath can turn the blame on to someone else for something that they’ve done and the try to come off as a sympathetic person who really is so sorry for his actions, BUT will flip at the switch as quick as the next breath, into another angry psychotic mental nut, a very very sick 61 year-old man.
… so ironic how a man who writes this can stoop to the level of calling other people racists.

View attachment 99494
That's the liberal mantra. "Everybody else's fault"
I said separation. Said nothing about war.

Was a metaphor.

Sucks that the focus is all about what separates the two sides and not what they have in common.
So we may love a lot of the same music, TV shows, sports, food, hobbies, etc.
I assume most of us work hard, love our families, give back to our communities, and love our country.

Seems like that doesn't count when a social issue gets put on the table.

Like I said. Sucks.
Was a metaphor.

Sucks that the focus is all about what separates the two sides and not what they have in common.
So we may love a lot of the same music, TV shows, sports, food, hobbies, etc.
I assume most of us work hard, love our families, give back to our communities, and love our country.

Seems like that doesn't count when a social issue gets put on the table.

Like I said. Sucks.
I feel you man, and I agree. I really do. I’m practically a classical liberal myself. But one side has vilified the other as racist, homophobic, bigots. There is no rational argument between the two side when one thinks the other is evil. There is a growing political movement rooted in Marxism and aided by the Mocking Bird media that is aggressively trying to force Americans into groups that hate one another: conservative vs liberal, white vs black, vaccinated vs unvaccinated. I’m trying very hard to rationally debate those on the left, but the more I do that, the more I realize how futile it is because the Left cannot live and let live. They FORCE their way on you via the levers of government.
Could you imagine the real sewer if all the libs had to live in one place?

That’s what I’m saying. Let’s just divide. Those who want to live under liberal governance, live here. Those who want to live under conservative governance live there. I think we’re seeing that now with the growth of people moving to Red states.