Biden tests positive for COVID

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Can't you just use the same distance and size and hypothesize the theoretical path ?

If I had to make up my own hypothetical path for the moon, Id have to also make up my own hypothetical path for the sun, and I don’t really care to do either tbh, nor do I think I could that would resemble the actual phases of the moon we see.
If I had to make up my own hypothetical path for the moon, Id have to also make up my own hypothetical path for the sun, and I don’t really care to do either tbh, nor do I think I could that would resemble the actual phases of the moon we see.
Way to be a drag Dan.
Sorry that I can’t use science to make something scientifically impossible
Think of it like string theory. I mean Einstein didn't come up with relativity by worrying about what was scientifically possible did he ?
Think of it like string theory. I mean Einstein didn't come up with relativity by worrying about what was scientifically possible did he ?

I’m most certain he worried about what was scientifically possible, that’s why no one has been able to disprove general relativity yet.
I’m most certain he worried about what was scientifically possible, that’s why no one has been able to disprove general relativity yet.
Sheeet. No one before Einstein imagined space and time reacted to each other like that.
If he says it one more time, one of them will appear in his mirror
It’ll be that posh bird all the kids are getting their fashion advice from. She’s a drag. A well known drag. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

That’s a reference to the movie A Hard Day’s Night.