Well-known member
Why doesn’t anybody use a 2c+ in the studio then? You know what also “isn’t debatable”? That no one in 35 years has used that turd…
As usual, you are completely off base. How many albums have you seen produced? Just curious, probably gonna guess none…
The 5153 is used IN THE STUDIO AND LIVE because it’s a phenomenal sounding amp. As stated on the recent Meshuggah tour, they were using the quad quartex with a model of a 5153 with a precision boost upfront…a band that can use whatever they want.
Tons of bands that could use anything they want, use a 5153, and have for years…live AND the studio….you know what they almost never use? Don’t make me remind you, I’m sure you can guess at this point.
I agree with the 2c+ stuff.
So much cork sniffery in that particular cult.
I LOVED the mkivA after a while but the triple crown 100 made me play the mk way less and eventually I sold the iv.
I see the 5153 so much it's like, I'm compelled to use something else at all costs because in a hobby where people want to sound different, the 5153 has always been the easy money tone. Easy to play. Sits well in most mixes and mics. But dam does everybody and their mom have one now ?