Bikini Thread - OT Posts & Pics Removed

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You've repeated several pics so far brother. Scan your bank for dupes!

Great stuff 'though mate. Still can't upload anything yet. Hope the "bug" ends soon as it always does. Problem is it seems to last longer than the windows I get to upload. :dunno:
That's an odd issue you are having with your computer. Are there any other symptoms?

I am not seeing the dupes
I had the pics memorised but have now forgotten which they were!

That last one you posted 'though, for example - it's at least the 3rd time. If I notice more from now on I'll point you to them if you like. I'd certainly recognise already-repeated ones if I saw them again.

That's an odd issue you are having with your computer. Are there any other symptoms?
Yeah, odd issue. Admin can't explain it. Been happening for at least a year on-and-off.

No other symptoms.