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WGAF":2ouot5n8 said:
Jones is a thief & owes everyone money. SS didn't go anywhere because of Irwin the thief. Farnham hated Irwin & called him "that little cunt" Irwin basically shat on the important people in the industry. He should have done well globally as he did have talent.
Wow. Didn't know that.

WGAF":2ouot5n8 said:
I saw Pyramid live at the Carlton Inn in Carlton Melbourne many times. Their first gig & last gig.

I was there the night that Mike Clarke? (Alsop's replacement) died & the band were waiting on him for the gig. I though they sounded best with Alsop even though at the time he was Jaco wannabe.

Yes brother, I got around to many places.
I still prefer David Jones' musical drum style to that of Virgil Donati's. FTR: Jones is nuts.
Indeed... again.

Jones has the feel. Virgil is a flat-out chops man with little regard for subtlety. He's a rock / metal / prog guy anyway, to be fair, whereas Jones was always a jazz cat.

Can't believe you saw Pyramid. Awesome, man!
Mate, I haven't spoken to him since I bumped into him the only time I went to Little Miata's (I think that's what it was called - a little joint in a lane in the city). He was playing in a trio I wasn't familiar with, maybe with Joe on keys. Anyway, the night was a blur 'cause I was drunk and the only thing I remember well was playin' the Thumb Bass; that was that moment, and unfortunately the last time I saw Roger.

As I suggested, it's pretty freaky seeing him speaking on video now; he's changed so much appearance-wise.

The figure you mentioned could well be right; I wouldn't be surprised 'cause LRB sold a Helluva lot of records.
WGAF":3jc3iukc said:
My solid recollection of Melbourne musicians is they were destined for nowhere unless they travelled the Pacific over to LA back in the day.
Yup, that's exactly right. The well-worn phrase was, "If you wanna make it big you gotta go to 'Merica". Simple as that.

It actually put a lot of peeps off even trying. If you were happy to rake in a steady income gigging relentlessly all year 'round, that was about the best you could expect from the local scene. No way were you gonna put food on the table through local-record sales alone.
... unless you create a kickass cover band that picks the right toons and plays 'em right.

Even then, you'd have to be really good and break into the top 3 circuit bands. I reckon you could pull in several thou per gig to share amongst the members. If you manage yourselves, all the better.

But yeah, original stuff and makin' a decent living out of it? Forgeddabowdit.
I know.

I've been out of the scene for some years now, but the last successful cover band I spoke to, Big Deal, said they were pulling in 5->7 grand per gig. They had a loyal following and their gigs rocked. Classic cock-rock and pop-rock songs mostly.

Nice guys too; the singer even offered to do backup vocals for me on my demos, but I refused of course, being the staunch one-man-band type of "artiste". :lol: :LOL: