Bogner Über-Ultra EL34 [Updated]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Simon Dorn
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Because of these noise issues of UU, I always hesitate to order one. I hope Reinhold solve this.
I wouldn't let this stop you from ordering one, as it's not an issue per se.

The Ultra mode is exceedingly high gain, so if you crank it or use the boost (both completely unnecessary) you'll get tonnes of noise and distortion. Similar to running say two distortion pedals into a wide open JCM800 and expecting sanity.
I wouldn't let this stop you from ordering one, as it's not an issue per se.

The Ultra mode is exceedingly high gain, so if you crank it or use the boost (both completely unnecessary) you'll get tonnes of noise and distortion. Similar to running say two distortion pedals into a wide open JCM800 and expecting sanity.
It's really like that. :D I thought of two 5150III Stealth in serial. But then, what's the point in having that much gain?
Yes. And No. The Stealth is a lot flatter. But it's been a while since i had one.
When i think about it: The Ultra is more like an Uberschallized Version of the Helios Eclipse.
With a certain thickness to the tone which you can feel in the strings, if you know what i mean.
And the omph you get out of the Ultra is insane.
But i'm also using a MF400B with G12-K100.
Vintage 30s are probably a better choice. :D
My favorite V30s are the Vintage 30MF from the MF280 cabs.
I had two of them. One after another, but i sold both of them, for whatever reason. :doh::D

I'll give the Ultra another try tomorrow.

If you lived closer I’d trade you cabs.
The Über-Ultra is REALLY extreme.
Up to a point, where the noise is almost as loud as the guitar, in Ultra-Mode with the gain cranked and the internal gain boost engaged. :D
I just tried it, cause i either heard or read it and i wanted to give it a try aka check it out.
Uncontrollable feedback is also an issue, after a certain point, gain-wise.

Because of these noise issues of UU, I always hesitate to order one. I hope Reinhold solve this.

I've gone over this issue in my posts about the amp. The Uber Ultra can absolutely be set for so much gain that the noise floor is the same volume as the guitar. BUT, I have a simple solution for this problem:

Don't turn the gain up that high.

That's it. Just... don't do it. The amp doesn't hold your hand and the controls aren't on guard rails. You can absolutely dial in so much gain that the noise floor is the same volume as the guitar. HOWEVER, you can also set the gain so there's as much distortion as anybody could want but without the noise. Just turn down the Gain. In the ch2 Ultra mode, boost engaged, the Gain knob at 10:30 has more gain that basically any other amp I've ever played cranked to max. Just turn it down. Or turn off the Boost so you have a bit more wiggle room with the Gain knob.
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I get that!
Just for shits n' giggles, I recorded something for ya.

Engl Savage 60 thick gain

I tried to make it sound as bloated as possible, Depth Boost on, Bass full, Rhythm Gain at noon, Lead Gain full (they're interactive on the old Savage series), mids scooped...and it STILL has plenty mids IMO. At a certain point I kick in a modded DOD 250 as a boost. Basically it's behaving like a clearer, fuller bodied tube screamer without the clankyness in the mids.

As I had no way of putting my phone up higher, it's on the floor, leaning against a chair and I'm playing guitar on my knees, y'know, a good sucking level... ya never know when someone passes you an ole bag, eh? :cool:

Oh and fun audio fact about compression and tightness actually having some form of correlation in a guitar amp; if you overload the preamp with too much low-end in the signal,
1) it will compress as hell, since low-end signal eats up more bandwidth
2) it will sound flubby, the opposite of tight.

The main reason why most Recto users are boosting it with a 'thin' preamp signal, to get RID of the flubbiness.
Carry on.
I've gone over this issue in my posts about the amp. The Uber Ultra can absolutely be set for so much gain that the noise floor is the same volume as the guitar. BUT, I have a simple solution for this problem:

Don't turn the gain up that high.

That's it. Just... don't do it. The amp doens't hold your hand and doesn't put on guard rails. You can absolutely dial in so much gain that the noise floor is the same volume as the guitar. HOWEVER, you can also set the gain so there as much distortion as anybody could want but without the noise. Just turn down the Gain. In the ch2 Ultra mode, boost engaged, the Gain knob at 10:30 has more gain that basically any other amp I've ever played cranked to max. Just turn it down. Or turn off the Boost so you have a bit more wiggle room with the Gain knob.
This. Even the original Uberschalls had so much gain as to be unusable past about 3:00.
As I had no way of putting my phone up higher, it's on the floor, leaning against a chair and I'm playing guitar on my knees, y'know, a good sucking level... ya never know when someone passes you an ole bag, eh? :cool:
I've gone over this issue in my posts about the amp. The Uber Ultra can absolutely be set for so much gain that the noise floor is the same volume as the guitar. BUT, I have a simple solution for this problem:

Don't turn the gain up that high.

That's it. Just... don't do it. The amp doesn't hold your hand and the controls aren't on guard rails. You can absolutely dial in so much gain that the noise floor is the same volume as the guitar. HOWEVER, you can also set the gain so there's as much distortion as anybody could want but without the noise. Just turn down the Gain. In the ch2 Ultra mode, boost engaged, the Gain knob at 10:30 has more gain that basically any other amp I've ever played cranked to max. Just turn it down. Or turn off the Boost so you have a bit more wiggle room with the Gain knob.
Yeah, sure. I would neither use the built in-, nor an external boost in the Ultra Channel. Über with the built in boost was fine (like in the Clip)
I made another clip. Will post it in the OP above.
I also read about the Gain-Pot-Taper, (probably written by you as well?) that needs to fit for all three Modes in the Channel. Which makes sense, but for me it's too much. Too much knobs and modes and switches and Sweetspots. To end up with a similar - not same - sound after lots of tweaking.
You'll dial in YOUR sound anyway.
Just for shits n' giggles, I recorded something for ya.

Engl Savage 60 thick gain

I tried to make it sound as bloated as possible, Depth Boost on, Bass full, Rhythm Gain at noon, Lead Gain full (they're interactive on the old Savage series), mids scooped...and it STILL has plenty mids IMO. At a certain point I kick in a modded DOD 250 as a boost. Basically it's behaving like a clearer, fuller bodied tube screamer without the clankyness in the mids.

As I had no way of putting my phone up higher, it's on the floor, leaning against a chair and I'm playing guitar on my knees, y'know, a good sucking level... ya never know when someone passes you an ole bag, eh? :cool:

Oh and fun audio fact about compression and tightness actually having some form of correlation in a guitar amp; if you overload the preamp with too much low-end in the signal,
1) it will compress as hell, since low-end signal eats up more bandwidth
2) it will sound flubby, the opposite of tight.

The main reason why most Recto users are boosting it with a 'thin' preamp signal, to get RID of the flubbiness.
Carry on.
I watched it. Could need more gain. :D
Joking aside: Thanks for the clip. ;)
Yeah, sure. I would neither use the built in-, nor an external boost in the Ultra Channel. Über with the built in boost was fine (like in the Clip)
I made another clip. Will post it in the OP above.
I also read about the Gain-Pot-Taper, (probably written by you as well?) that needs to fit for all three Modes in the Channel. Which makes sense, but for me it's too much. Too much knobs and modes and switches and Sweetspots. To end up with a similar - not same - sound after lots of tweaking.
You'll dial in YOUR sound anyway.

Well hey if you don't like it, then you don't like it. All good here.

I tend to chime into threads like these because I often find myself making the mistake of dialing in gear with too many preconceived ideas about how things should work, and I assume other people do this too, so sometimes I just like to throw out reminders that if people can give gear some breathing room and learn to work with it in the way it wants to be worked with as opposed to how they think it oughta work, then they might discover things about it they like that they wouldn't have otherwise bothered to try.
Well hey if you don't like it, then you don't like it. All good here.

I tend to chime into threads like these because I often find myself making the mistake of dialing in gear with too many preconceived ideas about how things should work, and I assume other people do this too, so sometimes I just like to throw out reminders that if people can give gear some breathing room and learn to work with it in the way it wants to be worked with as opposed to how they think it oughta work, then they might discover things about it they like that they wouldn't have otherwise bothered to try.
It's a very cool Amp. I have no dought about that. But my Marshall works for me and i wouldn't change it for the Bogner.
I only keep one Guitar, one Cab and one Amp, nowadays.
But i still like to try out stuff.

but it's different than the previous Versions.
I had an Original, Rev Blue and a Twin Jet before.
I think the Rev Blue is my favorite.
I did not use a boost with the Über. It's straight in. Had the built in boost on in the Über Channel.
Lot's of "I", but what can i do? :D
i’m liking these clips!
i never though RB would ever need to build an amp heavier than the uber or twin jet!
though now i’d love to hear a clip of an ultra uber mixed with a herbert?

maybe you guys need to think outside the box and blend this into the mix for the final dash of dispicable filth: