Just for shits n' giggles, I recorded something for ya.
Engl Savage 60 thick gain
I tried to make it sound as bloated as possible, Depth Boost on, Bass full, Rhythm Gain at noon, Lead Gain full (they're interactive on the old Savage series), mids scooped...and it STILL has plenty mids IMO. At a certain point I kick in a modded DOD 250 as a boost. Basically it's behaving like a clearer, fuller bodied tube screamer without the clankyness in the mids.
As I had no way of putting my phone up higher, it's on the floor, leaning against a chair and I'm playing guitar on my knees, y'know, a good sucking level... ya never know when someone passes you an ole bag, eh?
Oh and fun audio fact about compression and tightness actually having some form of correlation in a guitar amp; if you overload the preamp with too much low-end in the signal,
1) it will compress as hell, since low-end signal eats up more bandwidth
2) it will sound flubby, the opposite of tight.
The main reason why most Recto users are boosting it with a 'thin' preamp signal, to get RID of the flubbiness.
Carry on.