Bogner 4x12: Take out V30's put in Alnico Creams?

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V30/GB works in top/bottom configuration. In X-pattern V30 will dominate the upper row a greenback doesn't make too much sense. The 'magic' of this combo is in different efficiency and mixing of mid-woodiness of GB and big magnet tightness of V30.
I have 4x12 Bogner which came with V30. Great cab, upgraded top row for GB and in works better, especcialy for darker voiced Naylor amp. GB replaced with Scumback J75 we are talking about one of the best sounding cabs...V30 replaced with Scumback H75 sounding cab I ever had or heard :) It is almost mision impossible to get Scumbacks in EU in pair or even quad but in You are in US, it doesn't make sence to play other GB voiced speakers.
I had Cream in 2x12 oversized cab with Scumback J75 and it sound great but I think the combination of MKV25 and Alnico will too mid-heavy or nasally.
I bought a pair of the Alnico creams and yeah I found them to be bland, kinda boring sounding to be honest. I would take a good pair of V30s over them In a heartbeat.
Yeah I don't think I'll likely care for them either, but an amp I've got coming comes with it, so I'll at least give it a chance and probably swap it out for something else
my boggie st 4-by started life as an uberkab in 2001, when reinhold brought one to our high gain amp shootout and i fell in love with that huge brown flutey tone box. sounded great at the time with my egnater tol 100 and boogie stuff, so the inherently bassier darker amp tones balanced out the uber v30/g75t brightness. sounded a bit edgy doinking solo but on stage it cut through drums and the mic loved it.

but once i went plexi marshall with mojave peacemaker the 75s were harsh and the v30s weren’t ideal so a-tweaking i went…

ended up gh30/greenback/v30/scumback—-how 4 different speakers sound mic’ed up individually in the cab with the peacemaker

plexi tones w/d with my tyler strat

with a two rock onyx as a mono half stack and a fender strat chasing fendery cleans and ej lead tone

my friend playing his g&l tele through my live w/d rig
Like 15 years ago V30s had a bad wrap on the forums. I drank the coolaid myself. I now really like V30s and there is a reason so many amps are voiced around them. They are great rock speakers. They even work well in Fender combos.

To the OP, experiment for yourself. However I think Reinhold has a good ear for tone and if he offers it, it's probably a good option.
my boggie st 4-by started life as an uberkab in 2001, when reinhold brought one to our high gain amp shootout and i fell in love with that huge brown flutey tone box. sounded great at the time with my egnater tol 100 and boogie stuff, so the inherently bassier darker amp tones balanced out the uber v30/g75t brightness. sounded a bit edgy doinking solo but on stage it cut through drums and the mic loved it.

but once i went plexi marshall with mojave peacemaker the 75s were harsh and the v30s weren’t ideal so a-tweaking i went…

ended up gh30/greenback/v30/scumback—-how 4 different speakers sound mic’ed up individually in the cab with the peacemaker

plexi tones w/d with my tyler strat

with a two rock onyx as a mono half stack and a fender strat chasing fendery cleans and ej lead tone

my friend playing his g&l tele through my live w/d rig

Hey Pat!
How ya been?
Long time no see. I listened to a ton of your Soundcloud page, it was killer!
I saw Ralph's stuff in there too, great stuff (y)
Hope you guys are well
Like 15 years ago V30s had a bad wrap on the forums. I drank the coolaid myself. I now really like V30s and there is a reason so many amps are voiced around them. They are great rock speakers. They even work well in Fender combos.

To the OP, experiment for yourself. However I think Reinhold has a good ear for tone and if he offers it, it's probably a good option.
V30 with a blackface Fender is like pbnj.
Saw JD Simo open for Blackberry Smoke, Deluxe Reverb with V30, es335 and a fuzzace. Freaking killer sound. I've used v30als and greenbacks with my 67 Dual Showman. So good.
Hey Pat!
How ya been?
Long time no see. I listened to a ton of your Soundcloud page, it was killer!
I saw Ralph's stuff in there too, great stuff (y)
Hope you guys are well
Aloha good sir!
Ah thanks man but nah, my soundcloud and yt is just me trying to scrapbook all of my gtr memories and experiments so i don’t forget stuff!
haven’t chatted with the Gainfreak in a long while…miss that shredder!
V30 with a blackface Fender is like pbnj.
Saw JD Simo open for Blackberry Smoke, Deluxe Reverb with V30, es335 and a fuzzace. Freaking killer sound. I've used v30als and greenbacks with my 67 Dual Showman. So good.
Yeah the V30s give the Blackface amps some of the mids they are missing.
Whatever it is about V-30s that certain ears don’t like absolutely disappears when mixed with Creamback M-65s. Where the V-30 can be a bit sizzly and upper mid focused, and the Creamback M-65 can be a bit low-mid heavy and ‘flat’ the combination is nothing short of glorious in an ‘X’ pattern in a straight front cab.
Whatever it is about V-30s that certain ears don’t like absolutely disappears when mixed with Creamback M-65s. Where the V-30 can be a bit sizzly and upper mid focused, and the Creamback M-65 can be a bit low-mid heavy and ‘flat’ the combination is nothing short of glorious in an ‘X’ pattern in a straight front cab.
I have a big 2x12 Germino cab with a V30 and a Cream M65. It is in fact glorious.
I have a big 2x12 Germino cab with a V30 and a Cream M65. It is in fact glorious.
That’s so cool! I have a Tone-Star Thiele Ported 2x12 with an M-65 Cream and a U.K. V-30 in it and in some ways, I prefer it to a full size 4x12. It produces a bit more low end thump at lower volumes, where the 4x12 needs to move a bit more air to get into that territory. One of the best sounding cabs I have ever plugged into.
V30/GB works in top/bottom configuration. In X-pattern V30 will dominate the upper row a greenback doesn't make too much sense. The 'magic' of this combo is in different efficiency and mixing of mid-woodiness of GB and big magnet tightness of V30.
I have 4x12 Bogner which came with V30. Great cab, upgraded top row for GB and in works better, especcialy for darker voiced Naylor amp. GB replaced with Scumback J75 we are talking about one of the best sounding cabs...V30 replaced with Scumback H75 sounding cab I ever had or heard :) It is almost mision impossible to get Scumbacks in EU in pair or even quad but in You are in US, it doesn't make sence to play other GB voiced speakers.
I had Cream in 2x12 oversized cab with Scumback J75 and it sound great but I think the combination of MKV25 and Alnico will too mid-heavy or nasally.
V30s and alnico cream are an awesome combo, very complementary
V30/GB works in top/bottom configuration. In X-pattern V30 will dominate the upper row a greenback doesn't make too much sense. The 'magic' of this combo is in different efficiency and mixing of mid-woodiness of GB and big magnet tightness of V30.
I have 4x12 Bogner which came with V30. Great cab, upgraded top row for GB and in works better, especcialy for darker voiced Naylor amp. GB replaced with Scumback J75 we are talking about one of the best sounding cabs...V30 replaced with Scumback H75 sounding cab I ever had or heard :) It is almost mision impossible to get Scumbacks in EU in pair or even quad but in You are in US, it doesn't make sence to play other GB voiced speakers.
I had Cream in 2x12 oversized cab with Scumback J75 and it sound great but I think the combination of MKV25 and Alnico will too mid-heavy or nasally.
I had EU dealers until 2014. Buyers complained about the huge markup over buying them direct, including the import fees. Proguitar (and some others) would charge you over $300 USD for an M75 plus shipping...and they wouldn't discount for multiple speaker orders. After three years (2011-2014) I told them they had to cut some slack on the price for multiple sales or they were toast. In addition my 3 dealers all shipped outside of their "territories" to cut each others throats.I couldn't let that happen and screw buyers.

And the really bad part was they sold what they had in stock, instead of what the client needed. I swapped out so many speakers with clients they were pissed at the dealers for making them return speakers to me to get the right ones. So I finally had enough of that crap and just sold direct to avoid the hassles.

Fedex Great Rates has great prices to Germany, Austria, UK, Spain and Portugal. Other EU countries without big airports and Fedex flights to them aren't a real bargain, but it's still less than what buyers were paying 9 years ago.

Do the math on that and you know how much profit those dealers were making on you. Sad state of affairs, but I couldn't let them gouge you guys on the price.

The real kicker was Rahbek Guitar (great guitars I'm sure...but). A client ordered direct from me, Rahbek had no involvement at all. He expected me to pay him his usual profit even though he had nothing to do with it because the buyer was in his "territory". He even sold his 4 demo speakers (he only paid shipping) for a profit and asked me to send him more (for free), so he could replace his demo speakers.

He's the guy who killed it, and that's why I sell direct now. That's the whole story. Greed...sheesh!
I bought a pair of the Alnico creams and yeah I found them to be bland, kinda boring sounding to be honest. I would take a good pair of V30s over them In a heartbeat.
Wanna trade my two v30's for your Alnico Creams? :)
My absolute ‘go-to’ speaker combo is the M65 Creamback / V30 combo in an X. The similar wattage between them lets them work well in the X where other pairings seem to have a dominant speaker requiring a top/bottom config.
To my ear, the M65 Cream brings some fullness and beef that the V30 lacks and the V30 brings the sizzle that the M65 lacks.

FWIW - I had a pair of 90 watt Alnico creams in a ported 2x12 and while it sounded really good, it did lack a bit of sparkle on top. I do think the Alnico cream wants a lil help from pairing with a speaker that brings some extra sizzle. V30/Alnico cream might be a fantastic pairing if the wattage difference isn’t too great.
I've started using a Mesa V30 with my Alnico Cream and it's pretty awesome, great modern pairing for metal IMO.
I've used G12H with the Alnico Cream and also the EVH with the creams as well. The Creams were the more dominant sound, but the others filled in what the Cream kind of lacked. Both of those speakers with the Creams sounded really good with the Alnicos. The G12s especially.