Bogner uber ultra extreme fantastique- i'm not entirely sold, your thoughts, if any?

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Well-known member
not impressed

more knobs-but don't change tone that much

i am sure i don't know what the metamorph knob is doing,

it's something, but what and if it's needed, especially the latter is really up for debate

i think my 6505 sounds better,

but i'm a stupid old man

i'm going outside to yell at clouds before work

any thoughts on the ultra?
You have one there or just watching videos? If so, which model?
They are badass amps. Takes the Uberschall into very modern territory- not that the other models were particularly vintage sounding. But the ultra is very tight and can be a lot more focused sounding. I do prefer the older ones personally but that’s just me
You’re definitely doing it wrong.

“more knobs-but don't change tone that much”

Really? Changing the presence switch on the power section alone changes tone drastically.

Sounds like you went into this amp wanting to hate it off the bat and justify your less expensive 6505.
The Uber Ultra is incredible responsive to EQ and switch changes, almost to a fault. I'd say spend a little bit more time with it and figure out what everything does before you come to any final conclusions. This amp covers a ton of ground and sounds great doing it

What kind of cab are you using with it? What kind of guitar/pickups are you using with it? What's your listening environment like?

I love the amp. It's one of my favorite high gain amps, if not my favorite full stop high gain amp of all time. No offense man but if you can't hear what the Metamorph knob is doing and you can't hear what the very powerful and wide-ranged EQ knobs are doing... and if you're using good quality humbuckers and a decent cab, I'm not sure what to tell you. Go to an Ear Nose Throat doctor and get your ears checked maybe? Serious suggestion btw, again not trying to be insulting but this amp's controls, if nothing else, are highly responsive and effective.

As for your preference for the 6505? I mean the amps do sound different and you might like the 6505 better and that's great! But basically nobody will agree that the Uber Ultra's knobs "don't do anything."
Everyone is different. You can’t be wrong . It’s just your ears don’t like it as much as the 6505 . I get it totally
Everyone is different. You can’t be wrong . It’s just your ears don’t like it as much as the 6505 . I get it totally
True. But he’s saying the amp controls don’t do much which is completely false and that’s what most here are disputing with him. It’s perfectly fine if he prefers the 6505. Awesome amp.
True. But he’s saying the amp controls don’t do much which is completely false and that’s what most here are disputing with him. It’s perfectly fine if he prefers the 6505. Awesome amp.
I see
not impressed

more knobs-but don't change tone that much

i am sure i don't know what the metamorph knob is doing,

it's something, but what and if it's needed, especially the latter is really up for debate

i think my 6505 sounds better,

but i'm a stupid old man

i'm going outside to yell at clouds before work

any thoughts on the ultra?
If you have one and it needs a new home......
i guess i just created rage bait

i'm sorry

main issue was only being able to play through the amp using my two notes and cans

i should be banned, joking aside

it's not the controls do nothing, i hear them doing something, i guess i'm not impressed with the tone that is being made when controls change said tone

that's awful phrasing

the 6505 comment is a bit

but there is a kernel of truth that even with these controls a simple plug and play model say 6505/5150 etc is more enjoyable than diddling with metamorph knobs and hearing differences and guessing it's space alien technology and not really understanding what the knob is doing

thinning something on one setting and beefing something on another all the while balancing that with like sixteen different things it's less enjoyable

too long, don't care

less diddling more diddling

i have the kt88 model,
i guess i just created rage bait

i'm sorry

main issue was only being able to play through the amp using my two notes and cans

i should be banned, joking aside

it's not the controls do nothing, i hear them doing something, i guess i'm not impressed with the tone that is being made when controls change said tone

that's awful phrasing

the 6505 comment is a bit

but there is a kernel of truth that even with these controls a simple plug and play model say 6505/5150 etc is more enjoyable than diddling with metamorph knobs and hearing differences and guessing it's space alien technology and not really understanding what the knob is doing

thinning something on one setting and beefing something on another all the while balancing that with like sixteen different things it's less enjoyable

too long, don't care

less diddling more diddling

i have the kt88 model,
Like I said earlier we are so different and like different tones . A lot of people just lol at it all differently. It’s just might not be your thing
it's not a more or less, it's just different, and honestly the ultra isn't a bad amp

i'm just hi-lighting what i find frustrating about it, and sadly coming to the realization that this entire conversation has been had in other this v that or whatever other comparison of gear or style of setup could be had by anyone ever in the music diaspora

it's like there's nothing new under the sun or something, just variations or newer or interesting variations, hopefully interesting

as to the question

currently i'm going to keep both and other amps

then randomly try to sell them and want to sell so quickly that the market tanks,
All good man, if you don't like it then you don't like it!

As for me, I found the best tones to be had with weird settings, like the Treble at around 9:00 to 10:00, or even lower. Also, the Metamorph knob on "Tight" decreases the low end from your guitar as you turn it counter clockwise, so CW is full low end, CCW is super tight.
I’ve noticed so far that the guys not liking this amp have the KT88 version. I’m not saying that is for sure the reason but it makes me wonder. I have the EL34 model and have no complaints.

Ive been fortunate to try most high gain amps out there Including the other versions of the Uberschall, and the other Bogner stuff such as XTCs , ShIva, Helios. The Ultra is killer in my opinion and my favorite Bogner I’ve owned so far. For reference I also have a 6505+ which is my go to. I A/B everything else to it using a switcher for quick referencing, It’s basically my reliable benchmark high gain tone. My 6505+ has sent many, many amps to UPS. In general a good 5150 especially with a boost in front is very hard to beat when it comes to Metal riffing.

Comparing my Ultra to the 6505+ I can get a very similar tone with a bit more of an open high end and less cocked wah midrange. I found my Ultra to be very responsive to knob turning. It’s one of the few amps I could set in a lot of different ways and it still sound good. I would focus on channel two for now in either the Uber or the Ultra setting. If you are someone who uses a tubscreamer type pedal in front of the amp then the Ultra setting will be too over the top. But with that being said this amp does not need a boost in front and I generally boost everything. In my opinion 5150s need a boost for the added tightness and clarity you get with being able to set the gain lower on the amp. The Ultra doesn’t need it , it can be dialed in super tight without a boost. Then on the flip side you can also boost it in the Crunch and Uber modes with a pedal and get great results. Ahhh what an amp! ?