Hello - haven't posted much on here, but have gained a lot of wisdom from other members by reading their posts - also parted with lots of cash thanks to you guys, but hey, that's part of the fun right? 
I have had a Bogner 20th XTC for about 7 years - been working great until recently. LOVE the amp. I really hope you guys can help me out - it's my favorite amp and I can't really play for more than 20 - 30 minutes (see below)
The problem:
As it impacts all 3 channels, in addition to the presence knob twist 'fake solution', leads me to believe it's in the power amp somewhere - maybe some of the filter caps. I'll be the first to admit, I'm ignorant with tube electronics.
I've gone out to Bogner and Jorg mentioned that it could be the big blue caps on the chassis and gave me a method (scope or something in loop jack) to test. I'm going to take it back to my tech and would really appreciate some options from you guys for him to test and validate.
Sorry for the long post - would really appreciate your input. Trying to convince my wife that I need an XTC Pandora to replace my 'broken' one probably wouldn't go down too well
. Honestly, I love the 20th though, does everything I want and puts a big smile on my face (before the problem happens of course). You guys get it. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks!

I have had a Bogner 20th XTC for about 7 years - been working great until recently. LOVE the amp. I really hope you guys can help me out - it's my favorite amp and I can't really play for more than 20 - 30 minutes (see below)
The problem:
- Becomes much more shrill sounding - much more treble, cuts out bass, loses the Bogner 'chew' and harmonics - kind of sounds like a very poorly modded Marshall - no body, balls, none of the good stuff - sounds anemic. Sort of sounds like I'm turning up presence and treble all the way, bass all the way down - but even worse.
- Intermittent - the issue comes in and out - sounds good, then bad, but probably converges more toward bad over a few minutes (i.e. shortened periods of good then all bad)
- the issue only occurs after the amps has fully warmed up - about 15 to 30 minutes of playing - which leads me to think it has to be heat related
- the intermittent issue used to get resolved (for a few minutes) by twisting the presence knob - but since I've cleaned the pots this no longer solves it - now the issue is just more persistent
- impacts all 3 channels
- fully re-tubed it twice - new pres and new power
- replaced all cables
- cleaned the board, connections and pots
- replaced a couple mojo dijon caps (they were looking a little out of spec - amp was bought second hand and I've had it for 7 years)
- cleaned all input jacks and fx loops jacks
- tried different speaker cabs and cables
- ran it without the loop / fx - same issue
- Even cleaned my guitar jacks (just for completeness)
As it impacts all 3 channels, in addition to the presence knob twist 'fake solution', leads me to believe it's in the power amp somewhere - maybe some of the filter caps. I'll be the first to admit, I'm ignorant with tube electronics.
I've gone out to Bogner and Jorg mentioned that it could be the big blue caps on the chassis and gave me a method (scope or something in loop jack) to test. I'm going to take it back to my tech and would really appreciate some options from you guys for him to test and validate.
Sorry for the long post - would really appreciate your input. Trying to convince my wife that I need an XTC Pandora to replace my 'broken' one probably wouldn't go down too well