Boss NS2 or MXR Smart gate?

D-Rock":39l8ywmj said:
Death by Uberschall":39l8ywmj said:
D-Rock":39l8ywmj said:
I use an ISP Decimator with my other rig, and it is very transparent and works great too, but it chops off sustained notes way more than my NS-2.
Back off the setting a little.
Yeah I do, its at 12:00, but then I get that short trail of noise after I mute before it clamps.
The Decimator works perfect otherwise. It's not like I play a bunch of sustaining notes anyways.
You may have more than just hi gain hiss going on. Try to get as much noise out of your system as you can without the Decimator first, then use it to clamp what's left. Check cables, grounding, guitar, pups, etc.

The closer your noise floor gets to matching your guitar signal, the harder the Decimator has to work and it will affect your tone and sustain.
where to put the gate depends on what “noise” your trying to get rid of. to minimize feedback in between playing notes put the gate in front. to minimize hiss and static from high gain/cables/connections etc., i found to put it in the loop works well. i use the smart gate in front of the amp to decrease feedback in between stecatto notes. i find the 5150iii is very quiet, minimal his,with high gain. if you want total silence, put one in front AND the loop.
D-Rock":19cv8skn said:
I run my NS-2 in the X hookup method with my JSX and it works awesomely. No tone suck or chopped off notes.

I use an ISP Decimator with my other rig, and it is very transparent and works great too, but it chops off sustained notes way more than my NS-2.

ok noob question... whats the x method?
mchn13":mfxqb7hj said:
D-Rock":mfxqb7hj said:
I run my NS-2 in the X hookup method with my JSX and it works awesomely. No tone suck or chopped off notes.

I use an ISP Decimator with my other rig, and it is very transparent and works great too, but it chops off sustained notes way more than my NS-2.

ok noob question... whats the x method?
what exactly is a ground problem?

Im sure my pickups are fine. I just had motor city's put in my LP.

when my pedalboard is pluggeg in through amp and guitar everything works. just from the amp is this hum. but when im on the clean channel on the 5150iii its really not bad. but on the 2 gain channels, the hum is there.
well I found a guy on craigslist with just the regular isp decimator for 80 bucks. if i get that one, will everything be fine as well?
hthomas":1z88lwvo said:
what exactly is a ground problem?

Im sure my pickups are fine. I just had motor city's put in my LP.

when my pedalboard is pluggeg in through amp and guitar everything works. just from the amp is this hum. but when im on the clean channel on the 5150iii its really not bad. but on the 2 gain channels, the hum is there.
is the hum on channel 3 also? if its just on ch2 than it could be a preamp tube. my channel 2 is extremely quiet.
I think I need to try out the ISP decimator and see if it does the job. the only way I will no.

I dont think I have a ground problem. none of my cords are bad, all the pedals work pefectly
hthomas":13ccikve said:
I think I need to try out the ISP decimator and see if it does the job. the only way I will no.

I dont think I have a ground problem. none of my cords are bad, all the pedals work pefectly

Man, I wish I was there to help you out. If there is no hum on clean channel then it is not a ground loop problem. Try (on ch 3) turning the gain down and see if it goes away. If it does, it is more than likely just high gain normal hum or a noisy preamp tube. Preamp tubes can play a big part in noise. Some are just noisy by design, but some fail and become noisy. All my tube amps are somewhat noisy on the high gain channels with the gain set on metal settings. Is this your first high gain tube amp? I can't remember. :confused: