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Black Man Shoots 5-Year-Old In The Head Point-Blank, But The Race-Obsessed Media Don’t Care

AUGUST 12, 2020 By Kylee Zempel
Every day, corporate media commit sins of omission and commission. In their current scramble to shine a spotlight on what many leftist journalists deem “systemic racism,” they have elevated the deaths of black Americans at the hands of white people, while turning a blind eye to black-on-black crime as well as white victims of black perpetrators. Today, their grave sin of omission involved the execution of an innocent 5-year-old boy.

The boy rode his bike on the man lawn.
what do you have to say about that?

I guess it is time to bring back lynching...lynch 'em all until America Is White Again!:bash:



I guess it is time to bring back lynching...lynch 'em all until America Is White Again!:bash:



Horrible and shameful, but it’s Democrats being democrats. After all, they are the party who invented the KKK and Jim Crow laws.
If a guy walks across the street and executes a 5 year old playing in his yard, I am not sure why it matters if the guy is black, brown, white, or whatever. The guy deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The fact that we are bickering about white vs black and which side gets more media coverage at all shows both sides are racists. I don't care if the media covers this or not. Just make sure the guy gets arrested and charged. Any thought beyond that is just politicizing a 5 year old's death and screwed up.
I agree. Why did the MSM not report on this horrible crime?
Horrible and shameful, but it’s Democrats being democrats. After all, they are the party who invented the KKK and Jim Crow laws.
Because nothing ever changes over decades. Parties never move in different directions over time. Remember when the Republican party stood for something more than whatever crazy shit Trump says today? I love how you spout this while Republican-led legislatures are hard at work writing voter suppression laws while Democrat-led legislatures are hard at work writing laws to fight voter suppression.
Because nothing ever changes over decades. Parties never move in different directions over time. Remember when the Republican party stood for something more than whatever crazy shit Trump says today? I love how you spout this while Republican-led legislatures are hard at work writing voter suppression laws while Democrat-led legislatures are hard at work writing laws to fight voter suppression.
I guess your idea of voter suppression is making people get off their lazy fucking asses and actually voting IN PERSON and presenting a valid ID so that their legal status as a US citizen can be verified.
I guess your idea of voter suppression is making people get off their lazy fucking asses and actually voting IN PERSON and presenting a valid ID so that their legal status as a US citizen can be verified.
When they gonna start alcohol suppression. You need ID for alcohol but not to vote. What a fucking joke
When they gonna start alcohol suppression. You need ID for alcohol but not to vote. What a fucking joke
Or cigarettes, or for a prescription, to drive a car, to get into a club, to get on a plane, to enter another country (except when coming into America at the southern border) etc. so, the the liberal logic everything that needs an ID is suppression.
Suppression is paying taxes while this mentality challenged fuck plays pretend. Suppression is a person with common sense on FB or Twitshit
For people talking about voter suppression, here is a fun story.

I grew up in a red state and eventually lived in low income housing during college to save money. To vote, I had to stand in line for 3-4 hours to visit the one poll site that I was allowed to use (a church, ironically). This never improved over 4 election cycles.

I moved to a blue area, and dreaded the thought of voting in a more dense population. I was surprised how easy it was to vote here. Not only can I go to any polling center in the county, but they sent me the ballot to fill out ahead of time. All I had to do was fill out, go to one of the polling centers (4 were within 1 mile of my house and 3 were within a mile of my work), show them my ID and drop it off. It has never taken more than 5 minutes.

Anyone who thinks some areas are not making it difficult to vote need to go to an underprivileged area and wait in line one time in their lives and tell me that people are treated equally. Is it Republican vs. Democrat thing? I don't honestly know. But there are definitely people who are treated worse, and that is not right.
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For people talking about voter suppression, here is a fun story.

I grew up in a red state and eventually lived in low income housing during college to save money. To vote, I had to stand in line for 3-4 hours to visit the one poll site that I was allowed to use (a church, ironically). This never improved over 4 election cycles.

I moved to a blue area, and dreaded the thought of voting in a more dense population. I was surprised how easy it was to vote here. Not only can I go to any polling center in the county, but they sent me the ballot to fill out ahead of time. All I had to do was fill out, go to one of the polling centers (4 were within 1 mile of my house and 3 were within a mile of my work), show them my ID and drop it off. It has never taken more than 5 minutes.

Anyone who thinks some areas are not making it difficult to vote need to go to an underprivileged area and wait in line one time in their lives and tell me that people are treated equally. Is it Republican vs. Democrat thing? I don't honestly know. But there are definitely people who are treated worse, and that is not right.
I live in a nice area that has over 3X the median household income levels (it’s Democrat controlled) and it easily took me an hour to vote this past Nov...and usually take an hour. There are multiple voting areas for different districts as well. It even takes time for local elections as well.
Horrible and shameful, but it’s Democrats being democrats. After all, they are the party who invented the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

Well buddy...times have changed. I suggest you drink more coffee and start paying attention to more present times. :confused: :coffee:


I guess your idea of voter suppression is making people get off their lazy fucking asses and actually voting IN PERSON and presenting a valid ID so that their legal status as a US citizen can be verified.

Just to clue you in Billy-Bob Joe...NEWSFLASH! We are in the midst of a pandemic so mail-in voting ensures we don't get infected with Covid. It's called common sense...a term that seems foreign to you. Can I ask you a question? When God was dishing out the brains were you standing there with a thimble??? You may go back to dating your cousins...behind the ol' red barn.?

The Natives had every right to protect the land they inhabited to the best of their ability....just as whatever group of people that were there before them....but now we have that same right today. Obviously it's a more nuanced argument than that though...
The Natives had every right to protect the land they inhabited to the best of their ability....just as whatever group of people that were there before them....but now we have that same right today. Obviously it's a more nuanced argument than that though...

I wonder who 'we' is? Is that term used for people of white European descent? :confused: I wonder what term is used for people who's descent comes from shithole countries? I tell you it's no fun being an illegal Gringo.:no::aww:


Just to clue you in Billy-Bob Joe...NEWSFLASH! We are in the midst of a pandemic so mail-in voting ensures we don't get infected with Covid. It's called common sense...a term that seems foreign to you. Can I ask you a question? When God was dishing out the brains were you standing there with a thimble??? You may go back to dating your cousins...behind the ol' red barn.?

Now now, play nice or mommy won’t come down to the basement and give you your juice box for the day. Now run along and go watch The Muppet Show but try not to get triggered by anything you find “offensive” on the show. If you do, feel free to come back here and let one of us grownups explain to you how the real world works.
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