MourningEngine":3p6yrwia said:
Hello everyone,
I am still searching for the right pickup for
my ESP Horizon NTII. So far I've tried
- BKP Holy Diver: too much bass, too fat, not tight enough, not enough high mids, not enough high end
- BKP Rebel Yell: still not tight enough, sounds a bit like "Hit the pot"
Hey Markus. Sorry you're not digging the Rebel Yell anymore. For those who don't know, I have the Holydiver and Rebel Yell in two of my guitars. I agree the HD is a bit dark but it also has excellent attack and definition through every amp I've tried it through. The Rebel Yell I also found to be the tightest alnico pickup I've ever tried. I can't help but wonder if there's something off. I know the Herbert is pretty low-mid heavy but I got great results with those pickups thru the Herbert here.
That said, both of those ARE alnicos and if you're after maximum tightness, clarity, and upper midrange crunch, you should be looking at their ceramic models. The Painkiller and Cold Sweat models come to mind as ideal candidates. They're two of the tightest pickups on the market, supremely defined and great harmonics. The ceramic Nailbomb is good too but it also is a little dark.
The Painkiller is what I'd recommend. Tight as balls and a huge upper midrange 'snarl' to it. It's ideal in warm guitars or bass heavy rigs. I have had no problems with the Rebel Yell or HD with my rig, as I use a good boost in front of the amp and half-stack is super tight as is... but the ceramics are definitely going to be the best bet.
People recommending the JB should probably rethink that as the Holydiver is a JB pretty much, only with improved tightness and a more 'sweet' singing lead character. Tim based it off an 80s JB. If you don't like the HD you won't like the JB either, as the JB has an even looser, woofier bottom end.
Peter Diezel recommended the Duncan SH6, which is the Distortion model. That model is super tight, bright, and clear but I've found that pickup to have a very 'honky' midrange and a thin/harsh high-end. Super compressed. I think the Painkiller model from BKP has the good qualities of the SH6 but with a more organic, full tone.
Just my two cents.