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Krull":92m1zhda said:
STFU you bipolar ass clown. :lol: :LOL: no different than you creepin' Trump with your TDS 23/7. Noticed how I left that 1 hour out because you secretly love him for that 1 hour, you bipolar schizoid! You post videos or pictures of yourself on the interwebz, that's your fault.

Why do you even exist? :hys: :hys: :hys:

Krull":348u8ubq said:
STFU you bipolar ass clown. :lol: :LOL: no different than you creepin' Trump with your TDS 23/7. Noticed how I left that 1 hour out because you secretly love him for that 1 hour, you bipolar schizoid! You post videos or pictures of yourself on the interwebz, that's your fault.

And the difference between me and you, I will always be a US citizen and you never will. BWHHHAHAHHAH Fuckwit.

Really though, I need to meet you and WGAF. It would be fun as hell.
I love Harvey
Krull":2dbt0gjl said:
Sitedrifter":2dbt0gjl said:
Krull":2dbt0gjl said:
STFU you bipolar ass clown. :lol: :LOL: no different than you creepin' Trump with your TDS 23/7. Noticed how I left that 1 hour out because you secretly love him for that 1 hour, you bipolar schizoid! You post videos or pictures of yourself on the interwebz, that's your fault.

And the difference between me and you, I will always be a US citizen and you never will. BWHHHAHAHHAH Fuckwit.

Really though, I need to meet you and WGAF. It would be fun as hell.

I don't associate with bipolar people. Sorry.

How do you deal with yourself then you crazy old bastard.

Oh that's right, when you are crazy you don't know it.
Krull":3u3nml7t said:
Sitedrifter":3u3nml7t said:
Krull":3u3nml7t said:
Sitedrifter":3u3nml7t said:
Krull":3u3nml7t said:
STFU you bipolar ass clown. :lol: :LOL: no different than you creepin' Trump with your TDS 23/7. Noticed how I left that 1 hour out because you secretly love him for that 1 hour, you bipolar schizoid! You post videos or pictures of yourself on the interwebz, that's your fault.

And the difference between me and you, I will always be a US citizen and you never will. BWHHHAHAHHAH Fuckwit.

Really though, I need to meet you and WGAF. It would be fun as hell.

I don't associate with bipolar people. Sorry.

How do you deal with yourself then you crazy old bastard.

Oh that's right, when you are crazy you don't know it.

Lol the pot calling the kettle black. And btw I'm younger than you! You old fart! Bahahaha.

Wow are you a millennial?
Sitedrifter":2ueihuuz said:
Wow you guys are taking this to a new level. Creeping people :shocked: on the internet to post shit in this stupid forum? That is fucked up. :loco:
We're NOT fucking it up it's you libtards supporting Antifa that's fucking it up.

Forget Trump, it's about what Antifa & Democrats are doing to the country with honest hard working people in it.
This should concern everyone on a very serious level.

If you don't denounce it you're condoning it because you're aware of it. To vote Dem today is to vote violence & hatred. Yep, it's that simple.

Don't vote Trump but for God's sake don't vote Democrat either.

You SHOULD get the picture as it IS that obvious.
WGAF":1hsi7g4z said:
Sitedrifter":1hsi7g4z said:
Wow you guys are taking this to a new level. Creeping people :shocked: on the internet to post shit in this stupid forum? That is fucked up. :loco:
We're NOT fucking it up it's you libtards supporting Antifa that's fucking it up.

Forget Trump, it's about what Antifa & Democrats are doing to the country with honest hard working people in it.
This should concern everyone on a very serious level.

If you don't denounce it you're condoning it because you're aware of it. To vote Dem today is to vote violence & hatred. Yep, it's that simple.

Don't vote Trump but for God's sake don't vote Democrat either.

You SHOULD get the picture as it IS that obvious.

What is wrong with you always labeling me a liberal? I have told you countless times I am not a liberal, I just don't like Trump and I hate Obama/Biden and threw up at the notion of Hillary taking over. I accepted Trump, I hope Trump succeeds but that does not mean I need to like him. He is our Commander in Chief and I respect that but I still do not like him.

If you continue to incorrectly label me, I will not like it :no: and that should mean something to you my friend, WGAF :yes:
Krull":24ul0blt said:
Sitedrifter":24ul0blt said:
WGAF":24ul0blt said:
Sitedrifter":24ul0blt said:
Wow you guys are taking this to a new level. Creeping people :shocked: on the internet to post shit in this stupid forum? That is fucked up. :loco:
We're NOT fucking it up it's you libtards supporting Antifa that's fucking it up.

Forget Trump, it's about what Antifa & Democrats are doing to the country with honest hard working people in it.
This should concern everyone on a very serious level.

If you don't denounce it you're condoning it because you're aware of it. To vote Dem today is to vote violence & hatred. Yep, it's that simple.

Don't vote Trump but for God's sake don't vote Democrat either.

You SHOULD get the picture as it IS that obvious.

What is wrong with you always labeling me a liberal? I have told you countless times I am not a liberal, I just don't like Trump and I hate Obama/Biden and threw up at the notion of Hillary taking over. I accepted Trump, I hope Trump succeeds but that does not mean I need to like him. He is our Commander in Chief and I respect that but I still do not like him.

If you continue to incorrectly label me, I will not like it :no: and that should mean something to you my friend, WGAF :yes:

I call BS on this schizoid. When he talks about Anderson Cooper owning someone you know he's not legit. When he talks about believing in covid-1984 and can't wait to be vacinnated, he's not legit. When he thinks Trump is a puppet for Russia, he's not legit. The list goes on and on, on how Siteclown is not legit. He may make fun of libtards once in a while with those crazy rants, but that's all smoke and mirrors for this clown.

Sitedrifter":8uggefea said:
What is wrong with you always labeling me a liberal? I have told you countless times I am not a liberal, I just don't like Trump and I hate Obama/Biden and threw up at the notion of Hillary taking over. I accepted Trump, I hope Trump succeeds but that does not mean I need to like him. He is our Commander in Chief and I respect that but I still do not like him.

If you continue to incorrectly label me, I will not like it :no: and that should mean something to you my friend, WGAF :yes:

That's their defense mechanism kicking in. You know you're totally owning their asses when they promote you to Antifa :hys: :hys: :hys:
Oh, and when the cyberstalking starts :hys:
What Joe means is build his bank accounts back better as well as his immediate family and every politician in Washington that has been bought off by the party of Davos and the CCP.

CNutz":203v1uhr said:
Sitedrifter":203v1uhr said:
What is wrong with you always labeling me a liberal? I have told you countless times I am not a liberal, I just don't like Trump and I hate Obama/Biden and threw up at the notion of Hillary taking over. I accepted Trump, I hope Trump succeeds but that does not mean I need to like him. He is our Commander in Chief and I respect that but I still do not like him.

If you continue to incorrectly label me, I will not like it :no: and that should mean something to you my friend, WGAF :yes:
That's their defense mechanism kicking in. You know when you're totally owning their asses when they promote you to Antifa :hys: :hys: :hys: Oh, and when the cyberstalking starts :hys:
Once again, you're giving yourself WAY TOO MUCH credit, we couldn't give a fuck if you breathed OR not. Stalking you, dumb cunt? Nah, I was ONLY confirming you're real. You think you're important?
How the fuck could THAT happen. :thumbsdown:

If what Krull says is true, you liking Antifa vids & you being a Democrat makes you an accomplice which in turn makes YOU a terrorist. If you're a man you'll tell the truth OR are you an Antifa pussy?

Triggered? Nah, just telling the truth which clearly you have no comprehension of. :loco: :loco:

How many people have YOU called racist? Well, the word terrorist now sits on the shoulders of ALL Democrats. :checkthisout: :checkthisout:

Racist = not good. Terrorist = totally evil. :shocked: :shocked:

Please, keep being overly defensive with your responses as it only reconfirms what we ALL know. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Showing your true colors today hasn't been good for you. A complete lack of dignity, poise & intelligence on your part.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
CNutz":zmy9jw1u said:
WGAF":zmy9jw1u said:
If what Krull says is true, you liking Antifa vids & you being a Democrat makes you an accomplice which in turn makes YOU a terrorist. If you're a man you'll tell the truth OR are you an Antifa pussy?

How many people have YOU called racist? Well, the word terrorist now sits on the shoulders of ALL Democrats. :checkthisout: :checkthisout:

If you believe Krull YOU HAVE A HOPELESS case of brain death.

Now that being said, I am not associated in anyway to Antifa, nor have I EVER liked an Antifa video.

I am a centrists on the political spectrum, far left, and far right can both suck my dick.

We can actually have a grown up conversation if you like, or we can just keep blasting insults. Either way I don't give a fuck.

Also to add I see hardcore trump supporters as just as fucking bad as the libtards. Take that how you like.

We can have a grown up conversation but BEFORE we do, please respond honestly to Krull's comments below please.

"WGAF...Look up Bluedot in Texas, Young Turks, and Noam Chomsky. That's the type of stuff that was all over Cuntnutz's Youtube channel. I don't recall specifically anything from "Antifa" but all the other content was far left and anti-trump videos. That's a fact. That's why he deleted his fucking channel the minute I found it."
CNutz":2dx0ofl7 said:
Anti trump YUP I shure the FUCK AM. ALL day all night, Trump is a huge POS.

With your comment above how the fuck could you have a grown up conversation? You gotta be kidding.
CNutz":2pobe8nr said:
WGAF":2pobe8nr said:
CNutz":2pobe8nr said:
Anti trump YUP I shure the FUCK AM. ALL day all night, Trump is a huge POS.

With your comment above how the fuck could you have a grown up conversation? You gotta be kidding.
If that hurts your feelings, I don't really give 2 shits. That's how I feel about the guy. If you want to understand why, I'll gladly tell you why I feel that way.
I have zero feelings about Trump & yes, tell us why you hate him so aggressively?

Let me warn you before you launch full throttle, you better have evidence to support your rant otherwise it ain't worth shit.

BTW: I can give you 100% evidence on what I say about Democrats, the entire world can see the evidence playing out.
CNutz":1ylo5gsp said:
WGAF":1ylo5gsp said:
CNutz":1ylo5gsp said:
WGAF":1ylo5gsp said:
CNutz":1ylo5gsp said:
Anti trump YUP I shure the FUCK AM. ALL day all night, Trump is a huge POS.

With your comment above how the fuck could you have a grown up conversation? You gotta be kidding.
If that hurts your feelings, I don't really give 2 shits. That's how I feel about the guy. If you want to understand why, I'll gladly tell you why I feel that way.
I have zero feelings about Trump & yes, tell us why you hate him so aggressively?

Let me warn you before you launch full throttle, you better have evidence to support your rant otherwise it ain't worth shit.

BTW: I can give you 100% evidence on what I say about Democrats, the entire world can see the evidence playing out.

It's simple, there are many things I don't like about him, but there is one major one that I simply cannot overlook. You can look up the evidence for yourself.
Here it is. Trump is a divider, he make's little to NO effort to unite. In fact he stokes the divisional fire. This Is anti-american for a POTUS to behave as such.
I 'honestly' can't see how he divides the country. I can perfectly see how the Democrats are doing so. Kamala Harris has caused so much damage to California. Biden screwed the US people over with Credit Card companies, Pelosi even now is being divisive as she always has done by pitting the people against the bills waiting to go through etc etc.... Her current hair issue is 100% divisive. You don't have to look hard at all with what Democrats do.

Did you watch from start to finish Trump's SOTU speech? It was probably one of the very best political speeches in the modern world. Many people from all over the world on both sides of the aisle have said so themselves. It was the best speech on direction & unity I've ever heard. And Pelosi tears it up on live television for everyone to see. If that isn't the pinnacle of divisiveness what is & she looked like a total fool to everyone. What about the impeachment debacle & Mueller investigation, that divided the country in THE extreme & that was the work of the Democrats.

If you don't agree let's get the exact passages you don't agree with & we'll focus on actual facts by doing so?

What I do know is, if I get a plumber or an electrician over I may hate their guts BUT if they do good work I couldn't give a fuck if they were the devil himself. I want the best person for the job regardless of their character.
Krull":37okbqmj said:
You can smell the TDS rotting inside Cuntnutz. Or is that just the shit he forgot to wipe off his smelly asshole?

There are millions of people exactly like Cuntnutz, frothing at the mouth, believing whatever the mainstream media pumps out on a daily basis. It's been a relentless attack on Trump with no end in sight.

False claims of him and his supporters being racist Nazis only fuels the fires and can be observed right now when a police officer, who Trump has no control over kills a black man and that's somehow all Trump's fault. When Democratic run cities with the highest levels of gun violence happen, no one gives a shit. Only when there is an agenda to be had, like right before an election, do things matter.

Cuntnutz has had Chronic TDS for the past 4 years with no end in sight. He's libtarded through and through. The evidence is clear.
I certainly agree with you all the way Krull. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

TDS is 100% real & what's tragic is educated people who should know FAR better are infected with it. Almost terminally as I write.
Krull":3bq41fwy said:
:lol: :LOL: Holy shit you are still logged on Cuntnutz? I'll have you frothing at the mouth tomorrow too!

Can't wait to see all the new deranged political propaganda threads you guy's post in the coming days. It's sure to deliver, when I come in a poke the hive :hys:
CNutz, you've been asked for your story like and adult in a civil way, you've given nothing to support your assertions and you continue like a socially inept Bi-Polar individual. Why?

You expect us OR anyone to take you serious when you've offered up 100% of NOTHING and yet your Dems are guilty on EVERY front and yet, you say nothing of them. Trump is a Statesmen as bad as he is because your Dems are far worse, every one of them.

You're a total whack job worse than SiteClown & Goat (RIP) put together. You're clueless and an embarrassment from any side looking at you.

Fuck off as you're not worthwhile in any way.

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
CNutz":357bslwp said:
Krull":357bslwp said:
Calm down cuntnutz, with your conspiracy theories. You can buy these targets.

You're the one with a picture of yourself pointing a gun as an avatar in a Guitar forum no less...

My avatar has not directly threatened anyone, unlike your post.

You've graduated from cyber stalker, to cyber terrorist, bravo
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
You're majoring in the minors you petty fool.

Look at the REAL problems your Democrat Terrorists are doing right now.

Man Up and GROW UP.
You're such a loser deflective hypocrite.

Krull isn't a cyber terrorist in ANY way.

You are a shil and lib loser of the highest order you ManChild.

With an avatar like yours you can only be considered a JUVENILE loser.