Building an iso box from a bass drum case

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mahlakuorrutus
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In that case I'd opt for a smaller amp with a good master volume.

Is there a video where he talks about the boxiness of his former setup?

He doesn't mention it in this clip but near the end he does call the clearsonic a " better version" of that old setup. I have heard him say elsewhere that it was a good tone but not "as" good as what he had later on.

I agree though, you can get lost in IR's. Loading the amp down and cranking it into an IR also does something to the sound that I am not a huge fan of. IR's do sound good though and you'd probably never know but if you are a player who also relies on feel, cranked into IR's feels different. I'm currently looking at using the closet under the stairs in my home studio as a place to throw a 4x12 with 4 different speakers in it. Maybe even a 2x12 and an AC30 stacked. Just have to convince my wife that it is not for "extreme weather sheltering". The kids and dog can just lie on the studio floor beneath the main house support beam.