Bushfires in California in the middle of winter

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Also using random psychological terms like "person's affect" in a conversation is almost a sure sign of a lefty. TGP would be a great place for you with all the other lefties who studied social sciences, quote Marxist philosophers and have strange Oedipus complexes.
I'm not sure what firefighters can do if they have no water to fight the fire with though. I think that's really the root of the problem.
Yup. Apparently the authorities knew half the hydrants had nothin' and did nothin' about it.
Yup. Apparently the authorities knew half the hydrants had nothin' and did nothin' about it.
What can you do about it? Isn't just a lack of pressure due to population pressure and demand during a fire of biblical proportions vs a single house fire.



The homeless problem they have failed to resolve turns out to be another coal that’s fueling the fires. I’m not saying it’s the only source, but California has a ton of fire problems that aren’t all started by lightening strikes or camp fires.
Somebody is doing this intentionally!!! T - 10days till Donald takes the throne, powers that feel threatened will pull out ALL the stops. Sore losers who don’t give a damn about America!!??
The fire front isn't right on the ocean everywhere though is it? Sure you can use water bombing aircraft. They are using those though aren't they? How would you pump sea water 1 mile inland from a fire truck?
US Forestry Service did a comprehensive study of aerial firefighting about 15 years ago and concluded it does basically nothing and is a complete waste of money, but it's keeps getting used because it's visually impressive which politicians use to their advantage (and Firefighting Unions love the billions in tax gibs it provides). The fires which aerial firefighting IS effective against, are precisely the fires that should be allowed to burn (low level, low energy small fires). The aerial firefighters push to have them attacked so they have work/excuse to exist. On top of that, the fire retardant is toxic. Just a hilarious stacking of retardation.
The fires are natural and needed for those ecosystems. The natural trees there are large and fire resistant which have evolved to survive natural fires (they have super thick bark which is basically an ablative layer). California's (and most other populated areas) policy of suppressing fires leads to lots of fuel from all the dead stuff piling up which stops annual ground layer fires which gives way to conflagrations when it does go. A lot of those massive trees out there are dying due to their own 'environmentally friendly' policy because it lets small trees like fir grow, which out compete the gigantic pines and cedars for water which kills them.
California is a travesty. Best land in the US lorded over by corrupt clowns. The 17 million dollar cut that conservitards are sperging about would do fuck all, a single fire department there would find a way to waste it on some shiny useless toy in a day. The problem is the policy. They would do much better if they cut Firefighters budgets there by massive amounts and redirected those funds into forest management to police the ground clutter and cut breaks, but that's unglamorous work where politicians don't get good optics, and firefighter unions don't get tax gibs. The Los Angeles fire department's annual budget is close to 1 billion dollars a year, and when these fires started, the largest was a measly 500 acres and they couldn't even manage that. Can't throw money at incompetent government and expect it to fix things simply with more money.
The forests there are insane tinderboxes and it's amazing there aren't more fires. You go walking around in the forest in that area and you look down, and see you are often walking on about 5-7 inches of extremely dry, extremely flammable ground clutter.
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On Facebook you get American Christians posting stuff about the LA FIres and the second coming and the apocalypse but I'd like to point out we had 6 months of this type of thing a few years back and it seemed apocalyptic but did you see any Australians posting that we think it means the second coming? Well if we did I don't remember it. Nope... Americans just think they are so special. it's like a variation of that song... you're so vain... I bet you think this Bible's about you... Something seriously wrong with Americans - all the conspiracies - the vanity... sheesh. Yes the second coming will happen one day... but no one knows the time or the hour... Just be ready and the Bible doesn't mention America or Australia... anywhere.... funny about that. I filched this image from the post of one of my American friends just as an example.

It seems that an abundance of Australian dudes definitely ❤️ the cock.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) rights in Australia rank among the highest in the world; having significantly advanced over the latter half of the 20th century and early 21st century.
It seems that an abundance of Australian dudes definitely ❤️ the cock.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) rights in Australia rank among the highest in the world; having significantly advanced over the latter half of the 20th century and early 21st century.
Your mind is always in the gutter isn't it. Like a typical filthy lefty.
Your mind is always in the gutter isn't it. Like a typical filthy lefty.
Why are you the one responding to this? I’m just making an observation that homosexuality and transvestites seem to be very popular down under.
You get what u pay for in this country...
Sorry Ted
I know your somewhere over on the west coast, I hope that shit is not getting to your place. Lots of dominos are gonna fall in Cali when this is over. The sheer tsunami of stupid may bring change when it recedes.
It sux this is happening to one of the most beautiful places in the country.
I hope things are well with you brother