The Truth":105vprm9 said:
Klark: Wow, I'm a complete pompous douchebag!!!
Rig Talk Forum: We know Klark, we know.
Oh wow, that really means a lot coming from someone with 5 posts, and most likely zero professional experience. It's a free country, so you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. My experiences are obviously different than yours, and that's cool, because that's why people read forums, to learn from each others experiences. The difference is my opinion is NOT solely based on a one or two module experience. My experience is based off of five different modules, ordered by three different customers. This whole argument is no different than any other internet argument where guys (like yourself) excessively over candy coat their very limited exposure to a product. I, however, choose to look at the much larger picture, which is why is the number of hacked up modules sold through internet forums pretty much equal the number of stock modules sold?? Easy, because in the end, they're just as unhappy with hacked up modules as they are with stock modules. The excitement, the cool faceplates, and the change tone is what keeps people ordering. In most cases it's just a small change in tone, not a major improvement.. Therefore in the end, definitely NOT worth a 3x price increase, let alone the shipping hassles and wait time. The two guys that brought me their modules both stated that they would have been much better off upgrading their tubes or cones.
It's easy to see that the Egnater modules are the least sold second hand, and also the least modded. So, one of the smartest decisions would be to spend the extra money on the Egnater from the start, and if you can't get the tones you're looking for, maybe look at other options such as pickup swap, tube swap, add a compressor, try a closed back cab, change the speakers, etc.. There's a bazillion other things to try that are hell of a lot more beneficial and cost effective, especially when the guy modding your is half way around the world, has NO idea what pickups, power amp, cabinet, or cones you're using.
Sure, modding anything is fun, but modding modules is can be extremely rewarding, IF you do it yourself. They're so easy to remove, so easy to access to the components, and none of the circuitry is rocket science. Therefore, fuck shipping that shit around the world and hoping it's going to better for 3x the price.. MOD THAT SHIT YOURSELF! There is absolutely NOTHING that will blow up or electrocute you. The components cost almost nothing. And the only tools you need are the tools you should have anyway. Even if you don't know how to solder, and don't understand cap & resistor values, what better time to learn! There's first timers that build complete amplifiers from start to finish, so don't even try to tell me working on a module would be too difficult for you!! Within a few component swaps you'll either get it more to your liking, or realize that it'll never get as close as the real thing. Modules were designed to get close, but never to replace.