Can I Solder This Pickup?

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I’ve seen people solder those tabs back on, but I’ve never tried it. Couldn’t hurt to try. I’d recommend a good high temp iron so you can get a good amount on there. Also , clean it up and then scuff the area up where you are going to solder.
I would just buy a new baseplate. You can swap it if your slow and careful. You need to replace the tape around it anyway.
You can also take a thin piece of aluminum and fasten it to the bottom of the pickup, drill holes in it, and use it like that if your not sure about soldering.
There's a couple of ways to fix it, most of which have been mentioned already. I wouldn't bother trying to fight with blobbing solder on it. I'd go with a metal epoxy. JB weld has one called cold solder. I've used it several times. It holds well and is pretty strong. I think they even have one specifically for brass and bronze but I forget what it's called.
Pretty small surface area to fix to, I think I would flatten out the broken off tab with pliers or a vice, then reattach with JB weld or similar like mentioned above. It will then sit higher than the other side but that shouldn’t be a problem.

Flattening it out and attaching to the bottom of the baseplate will increase the area you have to worth with.

Other alternative is a new larger piece of metal attached to the bottom of the baseplate but then you also have to drill and tap it.
If you have any old shitty stock pickups laying around that you don't care about just grab the baseplate off one of those
I wanted to mention if you go the route of replacing the baceplate don't forget to solder the lead ground wire back to it. My dumb ass has forgotten about that before.