CDC finally admits what critical thinkers knew all along…

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Are you a clown?
I hit play on the link because I was interested in hearing it and the audio is all fucked up
I’m not denying anything, just that I never once heard anyone say anything was 100 percent effective even though according to you guys I listen to the “mainstream sources”
I am just legitimately curious where people hear all this outrageous shit. I am supposedly the poster child for buying in to all the lies yet I have no knowledge of half the dumb shit you guys talk about it.
It is very fascinating to me.
My daughter was literally born in a shut down hospital because covid was so prevalent in my county. I was dying to hear someone tell me there was a cure yet I never once heard it
Your brain is missing that translator. Listen to it again. Morons. Lol
Please explain it. You obviously have hearing and comprehension issues.

Before you go all retard, yes, she admited she said the vaccine prevented the spread of the virus. She then said because of the new variants that was no longer the case.

You don't have to be a scientist to know that viruses mutate constantly. That's the problem with this vaccine. But you lined up at your nearest mass vaccination center and bought it hook line and sinker. Lol
You don’t remember ”Get vaccinated. It protects you and the people around you”? Or the old “Vaccine and masks combined are our best tool to prevent the spread of Covid 19” .

That was on the CDC website as part of their guidance circa 2021. The CDC website flat out stated that getting vaccinated helped prevent the spread of Covid 19. That was from the start of vaccine availability to ~mid 2021.

This was the official stance of the government, msm, (liar) Fauci, CDC, NIH, insurance providers, and damn near every health care association. Biden stated as much often.

Biden used limiting the spread of Covid 19 as the central plank for his desire to push a vaccine mandate on us, stating “it helps protect those around you”.

There was talk in official circles of criminalizing the unvaccinated, limiting their ability to work or go into public, or rounding them up and quarantining them. All based on the flawed premise that they were a danger because they were “far more likely” to spread the disease than vaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated were even labeled “super spreaders” by the msm.

Those who forget (or alter) history are doomed to repeat it and we were a cunt hair away from going over a really dangerous precipice. I will not stand by as the mistakes of the Covid era face attempts to alter the narrative of what happened.

This Mayo clinic info from 2022 flat out cites limiting spread as a vaccine benefit:
This page from the World Economic Forum in 2021 also sets forth the prevailing thinking of the establishment at the time:
Here is government mouthpiece PBS parroting the talking points in 2021:
In this article from the CDC in 2021, the CDC states that “it appears the vaccine limits the spread of coronavirus“:
This propoganda has not aged well.

They were definitely selling a narrative that the vaccine helped prevent the spread of Covid 19 in hopes of convincing more people to get vaccinated. There is a disclaimer in the talking points about needing more reasearch to verify this. So the claim was not verified, but was being publicized regardless.

But let’s be real: the average “Joe” walks away from this propaganda with the belief that the vaccine helps to prevent the transmission of Covid 19.
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You don’t remember ”Get vaccinated. It protects you and the people around you”? Or the old “Vaccine and masks combined are our best tool to prevent the spread of Covid 19” .

That was on the CDC website as part of their guidance circa 2021. The CDC website flat out stated that getting vaccinated helped prevent the spread of Covid 19. That was from the start of vaccine availability to ~mid 2021.

This was the official stance of the government, msm, (liar) Fauci, CDC, NIH, insurance providers, and damn near every health care association. Biden stated as much often.

Biden used limiting the spread of Covid 19 as the central plank for his desire to push a vaccine mandate on us, stating “it helps protect those around you”.

There was talk in official circles of criminalizing the unvaccinated, limiting their ability to work or go into public, or rounding them up and quarantining them. All based on the flawed premise that they were a danger because they were “far more likely” to spread the disease than vaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated were even labeled “super spreaders” by the msm.

This Mayo clinic info from 2022 flat out cites limiting spread as a vaccine benefit:
This page from the World Economic Forum in 2021 also sets forth the prevailing thinking of the establishment at the time:
Here is government mouthpiece PBS parroting the talking points in 2021:
In this article from the CDC in 2021, the CDC states that “it appears the vaccine limits the spread of coronavirus“:
This propoganda has not aged well.

They were definitely selling a narrative that the vaccine helped prevent the spread of Covid 19 in hopes of convincing more people to get vaccinated. There is a disclaimer in the talking points about needing more reasearch to verify this. So the claim was not verified, but was being publicized regardless.

But let’s be real: the average “Joe” walks away from this propaganda with the belief that the vaccine helps to prevent the transmission of Covid 19.

There is a HUGE difference between what you posted and what the link in the OP is implying.