Celestion EVH To Pair W/ H30 Anniversary?

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Everyone kept telling me to mix V30's with the Heritage G12H30. I just couldn't bring myself to do it cause i wanted to try something new.
Threw this mix into an Avatar Contemporary 212 yesterday actually! Both speakers were well broken in and it came out smoother than expected, but that's also a big deep 212 cab so I'm sure that helps. I'm a fan, more than I thought I'd be
The EVH's could work in a 4x12 with H30's. However, the H30's will be a lot louder than the EVH's so if you're going to do it, put the EVH's on top.

I don't agree that the pairing will be too bright though. I have two EVH 4x12 cabs and I don't consider those cabs overly bright at all. I've always thought of the EVH speakers as standard Greenbacks but without the papery high end. In other words, the EVH cabs have the midrange warmth of normal M magnet Greenbacks, but the EVH's highs are much smoother. They also might pair well with the H30's, which do have a spike in the highs as well as strong low end.

As for your question about the EVH speakers getting ratty with high gain, I don't think so at all. I have an EVH 100w EL34 and 100w Stealth, both of which as I'm sure you're aware put out a ton of upper harmonics and white noise with the gain up, and both of those amps sounds great through the EVH cabs.

Ive just picked up an evh 412 and agree with this. The cab sounds a bit darker than a marshall gb 412 but same mids. Would that be the larger cab or speaker variation?
Would you say to install this combo in an "X" Pattern or to put the h30's on top or Bottom? I have a Marshall 1960BHW that has the Heritage G12H30 Speakers and i find it a little bright for my tastes.
I'd put the ones with the higher sensitivity on the bottom, but you could go X since a GH30 is 100, and CL80 99. Not a huge difference. But 30's are bright, so I'd probably go bottom with those though.
Everyone kept telling me to mix V30's with the Heritage G12H30. I just couldn't bring myself to do it cause i wanted to try something new.
That's too bright for my tastes. I'm spoiled with well broken-in UK Greenbacks. Warm and punchy.
Title says it all! I'm looking for a darker, more vintage inspired speaker to pair with 2 8 ohm H30 Anniversary speakers in a Peavey 5150 Cab that I gutted the sheffields from.

I have pretty much all the relevant modern production celestions, except the EVH and the M25 Greenback Heritage model. I am generally a thrash metal/hardcore guy but have aso been exploring my punk roots again lately.

Does the EVH break up easily or get ratty with high gain? Think it'd pair well on top of a 412 with the H30 on the bottom?
Try some Swamp Thangs. They're a tad modern, but man they pair well with vintage type speakers, and hit like a K100, less spikey, warm and BIG punch. No fizz.
Ive just picked up an evh 412 and agree with this. The cab sounds a bit darker than a marshall gb 412 but same mids. Would that be the larger cab or speaker variation?

I’d guess it’s the speakers, since standard Greenbacks in similar 4x12 cabs still have their characteristic bright treble response.
Title says it all! I'm looking for a darker, more vintage inspired speaker to pair with 2 8 ohm H30 Anniversary speakers in a Peavey 5150 Cab that I gutted the sheffields from.

I have pretty much all the relevant modern production celestions, except the EVH and the M25 Greenback Heritage model. I am generally a thrash metal/hardcore guy but have aso been exploring my punk roots again lately.

Does the EVH break up easily or get ratty with high gain? Think it'd pair well on top of a 412 with the H30 on the bottom?
Yes they can get a little ratty, but do sound very good. A Cream M65 is a good option - retains the M voicing but tighter and handles high gain better. Rumour has it this is your thing (y)

Classic Leads are nice speakers but a little 'boring' for want of a better term. Interested to hear your results if you do go that way though.
Still haven't really decided on this one yet. Ideally, I'd like to keep most of my 412 cabs to a single speaker moving forward so I may just look for a good deal on a used EVH cab instead.
I have 2 Lead 80 speakers in a beat up mesa 212 I picked up for $300 but I have yet to spend much time with it. Should probably dig into that soon, you guys have me curious
I like the evh greenies a lot. They pair perfectly with a silver jubilee 50 watt to my ears. If i were to mix with my annies, it would be greenback, evh or other. Annies are very aggressive, i could see pairing thwm with so.ethi g smoother.
Threw this mix into an Avatar Contemporary 212 yesterday actually! Both speakers were well broken in and it came out smoother than expected, but that's also a big deep 212 cab so I'm sure that helps. I'm a fan, more than I thought I'd be
Old thread but...yes the Anni's / V30's are a great combo.

@Bad.Seed did you ever follow through with the EVH GB / Anni's? And did you ever mix an Anni with the CL80?