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Ok kinda researching these amps right now and don't know a whole lot about them? Any current or previous owners wanna chime in here and school me on these amps, they've caught my attention!
the "worst" youtube videos are the ones the builder creates. No offense to the builder. This one sounds great.
the youtube comments say it was a custom, somewhere between a chupa and a yetiThat sounds killer. Is it a one-off, or a Chupa/Yeti?
I built an AH-50 a while back (Friedman BE-50 clone). Badass amp !Ok kinda researching these amps right now and don't know a whole lot about them? Any current or previous owners wanna chime in here and school me on these amps, they've caught my attention!
Where'd you hear this?They are coming out with a slo clone in the next few weeks. I think they are just waiting on knobs.
Where'd you hear this?
The King Kong 50 sounded very good too!