Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Venezuelans - now own at least 40M acres of US land near military bases from coast-to-coast:

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At least 40 million acres of US farmland, pastures and forests are owned by foreign investors, which officials warn ‘may have consequences for national security.’

A new watchdog report found that foreign ownership of US land - including buyers from adversarial nations like China, Russia and Iran - has increased by 40 percent since 2016, with some plots near sensitive military facilities.

As well as espionage concerns, there is growing alarm about the integrity of America's food supply chains.

But the estimates could be the tip of the iceberg because the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which did the report, told that US officials are not 'reliably' tracking data on land owners.

The new Congressional analysis has caused fury among Democrats and Republicans, who demanded the Biden Administration clamp down on purchases ‘from adversaries' to shore up America's defenses.
Doesn't mean a thing. We can literally take it back anytime, and they get nothing. It's called Eminent Domain. It's actually something that the NSA, CIA or other Gov entity will simply monitor. And, if they are up to something we will know very soon.
The Chinese have been doing the same thing. We've been monitoring it for years.
There are no nations
There are no peoples
There are no Russians
There are no Chinese
There are no Arabs
There are no Third Worlds
There is only one holistic system of sytems
Interwoven multi-national dominion of dollars...
Petro dollars, multi-dollars, Ruebles, Pounds, Euros...
An international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet...
The world is a business! :worship_gray:

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Same has happened in Australia. It's crazy. China wouldn't allow us to own their companies land yet we allow them under our foreign investment rules because we are stupid bunnies. The Chinese have a 100 year lease on the Port of Darwin. Can you believe that. What sort of traitorous government allows that to happen.
I wonder how many of the illegals coming in from these countries are just hanging out on this farmland getting ready

In the meantime over 130 food sources have been attacked under the corpse that currently resides in the White House

Nothing to see here, please remain in the boiling water while we turn it up a few more degrees