? cLiMaTe cHaNgE ! ?

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I have little doubt that our 'air pollution' is generally not healthy for our planet.

But why do I need to drink out of a dissolving straw under my environmentally unsound ceiling fan, when India and China (in particular) are the largest culprits?

That said, we are technically still in our current ice age cycle as it winds down.
PS: Bidumb is on TV now to talk about the hurricane/relief but he spent more time talking about how obvious our climate change is due to this and the fires. He went on and on about the fires and it seemed he wanted to use this spotlight to try to recoup from his previously poor blabber on the manner.
I somewhat agree with this. We cannot destroy the planet. We can only make it less habitable for ourselves, which we are doing a very good job of. The air sucks, the water sucks and our food pretty much sucks too.

But follow the hole in the ozone layer. That was that hot topic a while back. It is clearly shown how big the hole was, and how much smaller it has gotten since protocols have been put in place. It shows that we can both cause harm, and repair it.

I can agree that many areas don't have the highest quality air and water which can affect quality of life. But it's also surface level that doesn't impact atmospheric conditions that contribute to global warming. You can't make that comparison.

I do well remember the hole in the ozone layer. This was caused by CFC reacting with O3 molecules depleting them. At the time the science was young and we didn't fully understand the impact of CFC. We've advanced a lot since then and have a better gasp on atmospheric climatology. CFC are super light and easily make it into the atmosphere and is highly reactive with O3 molecules. While CFC are considered a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere concentration is ppt; unlike CO2 & methane which are ppm, and does not contribute to global warming. So you can't use this as a comparison either.

At least in the US we did enact regulations for both examples and yes, can show how we can harm & heal the environment. The big difference with these examples is that the science supported the findings and regulations. For global warming the "science" supports the agenda. I put science in quotes because though it is somewhat valid as presented, it's purposely not the entire picture and presented incorrectly. Again, how to lie with statistics. When you do see the entirety without bias it paints an entirely different picture of global warming showing human impact contributes no more to it than any other point in the earth's history.
When you do see the entirety without bias it paints an entirely different picture of global warming showing human impact contributes no more to it than any other point in the earth's history.

That is in no way accurate. The right and the left both use it for their agendas, and I understand people having problems with that, but pretending we aren’t contributing to it is quite frankly why we are in such a shitty situation
I never said that neither side isn't presenting "science" in a way that would further their agenda, they most certainly are. I also didn't say humans had 0 impact on climate; surface level or atmospheric. We do impact it. At atmospheric level human contribution is no different than any other species at another time in geologic history. Pollution on the surface is a different story but doesn't fully overlap with greenhouse gasses the way it's presented. To be clear though, I'm not saying that surface level pollution doesn't exist.

The sad fact is that the majority of the public has been presented biased science used to push a agenda or narrative on climate change by both sides. With my profession as an environmental chemist who is fairly in depth with all of this I get presented with unbiased findings. The actual science lies in the middle of what's presented to the public.

Of course we as intelligent inhabitants of earth should do what we can to protect the earth and transition to ways of less pollution. I'm just trying to present that these global atmospheric temps are considered normal. It's not going to be all doom, gloom and we'll all be burning on fireball earth if it's not done in the next few years.

Global Warming Scam, the 97% of scientists lie, all you need…to defeat the Global Warming hoax​

97% of Climate Scientists agree, and other scams put forth by the Left explained easily. This video will rock your world if you have been inundated with the fake science of the Democrats.

In 10 days humanity will be wiped out according to Greta Thunberg. Seriously. lol The Global warming and climate change scam is a complete fabrication of the Left. They use it to rob you of your tax dollars and soon want to use it to destroy every economy in the West, enabling China to dominate the world. This is coming folks. Patrick Moore, the Founder of Greenpeace is on this News Variable, fast 2 min clip – as well as the founder of the Weather Channel blowing away CNN with actual facts.

Literally the Earth is just a little over 1 degree warmer since 1630. No BS. Carbon Dioxide has nothing to do with the temps and it is provable immediately with the clips right here in this News Variable. Spread the word, as the Left, Google and YourTube and even Facebook will not let you share this. If you share this video on Facebook and have 5,000 friends, a max of 5 will see it. Test it yourself. The Deep State and the Left does not want the facts getting out as they intend on using this for lockdowns very shortly.


Global Warming Scam, the 97% of scientists lie, all you need…to defeat the Global Warming hoax​

97% of Climate Scientists agree, and other scams put forth by the Left explained easily. This video will rock your world if you have been inundated with the fake science of the Democrats.

In 10 days humanity will be wiped out according to Greta Thunberg. Seriously. lol The Global warming and climate change scam is a complete fabrication of the Left. They use it to rob you of your tax dollars and soon want to use it to destroy every economy in the West, enabling China to dominate the world. This is coming folks. Patrick Moore, the Founder of Greenpeace is on this News Variable, fast 2 min clip – as well as the founder of the Weather Channel blowing away CNN with actual facts.

Literally the Earth is just a little over 1 degree warmer since 1630. No BS. Carbon Dioxide has nothing to do with the temps and it is provable immediately with the clips right here in this News Variable. Spread the word, as the Left, Google and YourTube and even Facebook will not let you share this. If you share this video on Facebook and have 5,000 friends, a max of 5 will see it. Test it yourself. The Deep State and the Left does not want the facts getting out as they intend on using this for lockdowns very shortly.


Global Warming Scam, the 97% of scientists lie, all you need…to defeat the Global Warming hoax​

97% of Climate Scientists agree, and other scams put forth by the Left explained easily. This video will rock your world if you have been inundated with the fake science of the Democrats.

In 10 days humanity will be wiped out according to Greta Thunberg. Seriously. lol The Global warming and climate change scam is a complete fabrication of the Left. They use it to rob you of your tax dollars and soon want to use it to destroy every economy in the West, enabling China to dominate the world. This is coming folks. Patrick Moore, the Founder of Greenpeace is on this News Variable, fast 2 min clip – as well as the founder of the Weather Channel blowing away CNN with actual facts.

Literally the Earth is just a little over 1 degree warmer since 1630. No BS. Carbon Dioxide has nothing to do with the temps and it is provable immediately with the clips right here in this News Variable. Spread the word, as the Left, Google and YourTube and even Facebook will not let you share this. If you share this video on Facebook and have 5,000 friends, a max of 5 will see it. Test it yourself. The Deep State and the Left does not want the facts getting out as they intend on using this for lockdowns very shortly.

Yep! ??

:hys: :hys: :hys:


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