Cool chicks at the Whiskey!!

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I think Coco smoked Strauss. Straus is pretty damn sloppy, and I find her moves and expressions forced and off putting. That being said, she’s up there, and I’m here. Lol
Damn shame about Jill Janus. She was a killer vocalist and made some really cool music with Huntress. Mental illness is a horrible thing....And to break tradition, I’d willingly go home with the bass player. 😆
Nita is a fantastic player no doubt. She’s a great marketer of her brand, a huge fitness guru and on top of all that, she’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s earned her accolades. However, watching her on stage with Alice Cooper is painful. Everything just looks “contrived”. The big dramatic head/hair flip, the jumping 360’s....... I don’t know- it just looks cheesy to me. Maybe it’s a shredder thing, I don’t really know. In any case, she’s very talented.
Totally agree 100%. Ever cliche move out of the rockstar manual. Cheesy as fuck.
Nita is a fantastic player no doubt. She’s a great marketer of her brand, a huge fitness guru and on top of all that, she’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s earned her accolades. However, watching her on stage with Alice Cooper is painful. Everything just looks “contrived”. The big dramatic head/hair flip, the jumping 360’s....... I don’t know- it just looks cheesy to me. Maybe it’s a shredder thing, I don’t really know. In any case, she’s very talented.
Am i the only one that doesn't know what a "jumpin 360" is ?
Ok... so cool overall, and fun too, but Nita butchered a lot of the leads. I am sorry, but if you are a TOURING PROFESSIONAL PLAYER, male or female, take some time to learn the shit well enough to ovule it off, even if you add your own "thing" to it. Cox did a better job for sure on the solos but if it was a band of regular dudes in the scene, everyone would have said "they're not bad" and paid more attention to their beers.

Honestly, there are better female players doing covers, although maybe not live, on YouTube that nail the shit. Vocals were really good though.
Vocalist was really good, sad that she committed suicide though. I thought the guitarists were having sound issues, a lot of strange noises at places that a noise gate would have taken care of.
She's talented and looks amazing but I would be lying if I told you I thought she was amazing. She can do certain things well but not that good outside of her comfort zone and that sort of bugs me given the high profile gigs. She butchered Matthias Jab's solo and you just don't do that. Strike 1 Nina, Strike 1 Kid!

I don't think Nita's all that hot, and highly overrated.
Courtney was always better in my book, also in this clip. Nita is a bit staged and predictable.

Anyway, this is THE vid:
Nita's not my type of player AT ALL, but she impressed me 2 years in a row at NAMM.
2019: I didn't even know who she was but saw a huge line waiting to meet her for her signing at the Ibanez booth. Right after walking by that scene I see her enter from outside (recognized her from the Ibanez signage) and handle a couple with a handi-capped child who'd approached her. (by the way, she's STRIKINGLY good looking in real life) So she then sits on the floor and greets this little kid while talking to the parents, who were obviously fans. Very cool.
2020: I'm talking to a friend who works for D'Addario when I realize their Nita performance is preparing to start. She comes out with her guitar and laptop and sets up on this stupidly tiny platform with about 80-100 people standing there waiting to see her. "What a weird gig" I'm thinking. And I proceeded to watch from my 'behind the red rope' VIP perspective, seeing her work up close. Tough sound situation, tough stage, tough generic convention lighting, lame ambience all around....and POW... she starts up her cheezy (very cheezy!) laptop backing track and does her thing. 99% of the guitarists I know would've either imploded or gone 1/2-a*s with a look of "I'm too cool for this lame scene".... but she went 110% and shredded her a*s off. Everyone loved it and she delivered.
Again, NOT my thing at all... but I give her mad props for doing what she does so gracefully.


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Ok... so cool overall, and fun too, but Nita butchered a lot of the leads. I am sorry, but if you are a TOURING PROFESSIONAL PLAYER, male or female, take some time to learn the shit well enough to ovule it off, even if you add your own "thing" to it. Cox did a better job for sure on the solos but if it was a band of regular dudes in the scene, everyone would have said "they're not bad" and paid more attention to their beers.

Honestly, there are better female players doing covers, although maybe not live, on YouTube that nail the shit. Vocals were really good though.
#Truth. It sounds to me that she doesn't even try to learn the leads as they are half the time, she just gets more or less the right shape and then adds some extra tapping or legato or whammage to disguise the parts where she is lost.

I do enjoy the ample sizes they chose for their implants though.. both of them made the right choice.
I liked that video and both guitarists are great...
Coco is killing it as usual and Nita has a great stage presence...
The singer was meh....

I dont get the hate....nita is good guitarist maybe a bit overhyped(ibanez signature guitar, dimarzio signature pickups) but I have seen worse...she was fine...
She has signature pickups too? Dimarzio and Ibanez were smart on that front though. A whole new generation of girls "looking up" to Strauss. That said, I'm more and more a duncan guy. That's neither here nor there.
Yes, it is a shame that she needed to get her boobs done in order to "make it" in the industry.
Who, Courtney, Nita, both? :cautious: :devilish:

Nita sure plays sloppy here... the chord changes during Courtney's lead in Ace's High...ouch.
If you're thinking "I like to see you do it better", sorry, I'm the "Adrian" in a Maiden tribute, so I play the lead at that section, always. :p

I agree that her moves are...a bit contrived...much. Reminds me of Joel Hoekstra. :ROFLMAO:
Jill's something else. o_O R.I.P.