Covid is on the increase...

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what are you are doing to protect yourself and your family from Covid-19?
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what are you are doing to protect yourself and your family from Covid-19?
The fucking DEMAGOGUE is back.

Why don't you find a fucking hole to burry your fucking Ostridge hypochondriac stupid pussy obese morbid ass in, FATG BOY!!!

Go straight to hell with the rest of your DEMAGOGUERS...
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Meanwhile...death rate drops. I didn't see a spike in the rioters and looters case. Maybe the virus stays away from all dem "events." ;)

Initially it was all about deaths. Once that number began declining it was all about tests. Then the bloated numbers and false positive debacle. Now it is all about case numbers again yet few people are dying. More people have and die of pacemakers yet the country remains open for pacemakers. Amazing how "covid" is up but flu and pneumonia and all that is Stop wearing the mask and get back to living life. The only Plexi I need in my life is an amp, not a misplaced wall between me and the checker at the grocery store.
The fucking DEMAGOGUE is back.

Why don't you find a fucking hole to burry your fucking Ostridge hypochondriac stupid pussy obese morbid ass in, FATG BOY!!!

Go straight to hell with the rest of your DEMAGOGUERS...

ROTFLMAO.. This coming from the sheep of the ultimate demagogue, the Mango Maniacal Moron!

Take your crazy ramblings and go away freak!
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it is spiking every where in the world except where I live .. do you think for a second that maybe just maybe the mask wearing is actually contributing to the spread?
Why are Trump supporters so opposed to wearing a mask? They seem happy to wear them at Klan rallies.
Sir Simpleton, it allows THE priveledged proud people to identify the local CRUD criminal communist terrorists (sound of music) while they are flourishing love leaves in the act of social masturbation.

Make sense? ?
New Zealand

Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Ardern

Fuck hitler SINdy .... time will prove her to be the worst "leader" we have ever had

That flag however should have been voted as our new flag.. I think it is awesome compared to our current shit one
It completely removes the Union Jack 'though, bro', which "conveniently" removes the all-important Judeo-Christian element from the country's history, a-la the typical dream of the woke, self-loathing, own-country-hatin' left.

Remember, never go full-libtard! :LOL:

Libtard - Never Go Full Libtard.jpg
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It completely removes the Union Jack 'though, bro', which "conveniently" removes the all-important Judeo-Christian element from the country's history, a-la the typical dream of the woke, self-loathing, own-country-hatin' left.

Remember, never go full-libtard! :LOL:

View attachment 65473

well that is the confusing part as I have zero interest in the queen and commonwealth so fuck em haha .... plus 99% of the world have no idea that the NZ flag is different for your Aussie flag haha
True dat.

History is important 'though and erasing or rewriting it is dangerous in the extreme. Changing flags, national anthems and the names of cities and states are important components of that nefarious game, as is the woke re-edumacation of school and university peeps.

It's like China's so-called re-edumacation camps, but less-blatant. Achieves the same goal in the long run, but you know how the commies operate - two steps forward, one step back (equals 1 step forward), little-by-little, creepy-creepy, and then suddenly you wake up one day and it's all around you.
Covid is a political discussion; there's no escaping that.

I wonder if the mods will move threads if political stuff creeps into them or simply go by their titles and therefore intended areas of discussion. :confused:

I imagine it'd be a headache to micro-manage such things so I'd recommend they go with the latter option.
The commies are lovin' the mask thing for sure, Brother Krull.

16 days with zero new infections and zero deaths and masks are still mandatory. Chairman Dan's still goin' with his old chestnuts, "I'll have more to say about that at a future date" and "We can't risk undoing all the hard work we've put in".

By "we", he means us, of course, and all the hard work wouldn't have been necessary had he not allowed the hotel-quarantine debacle to happen, something nobody's accepted responsibility for thus far despite multiple resignations.