Covid is on the increase...

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Yup, as are anxiety, depression, domestic violence and drug abuse.

Hombre Mono. I can tell yah one certain thing. Sleepy crazy Josephine is running his lying dog-faced pony soldier shit stained mouth that his main goal is to get 300M Americans VAXINATED - yeah my fucking ASS you will.

It'll be a cold day the Hotel Hell Inn before any doctor sticks me with any FAKE VAX. All VAXs are fake 'cept Smallpox. Nothing else matters...and nothing else ever will.
I'd rather die than have a government jab me with anything, Bubba. :LOL:

Too-dystopian for me. :yes:
our governor called for a mask mandate. they can't enforce it. he says it's up to the businesses to enforce it or they will go after their licenses. Fuckin commies. Every place I have been is the same as before....maybe 1 out of 10 people have a mask. Personal choice man. You are not making me wear shit off duty. Work is a different situation. I'm required to wear a uniform and carry mandatory equipment. Masks are mandatory so yea...I wear a mask.
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The commies are lovin' the mask thing for sure, Brother Krull.

16 days with zero new infections and zero deaths and masks are still mandatory. Chairman Dan's still goin' with his old chestnuts, "I'll have more to say about that at a future date" and "We can't risk undoing all the hard work we've put in".

By "we", he means us, of course, and all the hard work wouldn't have been necessary had he not allowed the hotel-quarantine debacle to happen, something nobody's accepted responsibility for thus far despite multiple resignations.
... because SCIENCE! :ROFLMAO:
Another of my pet-peeves, brother.

"The science tells us."
"The science is in."
"We trust the science, but they don't."
"They're science deniers."
"Science-based policy."
"Scientists say."

All these phrases are routinely use to justify bullshit policies and yet nobody in the main stream ever asks the obvious (to me) questions:
"Yeah, but is it good science? There is both good and bad science, you know."
"Who funded the research?"

These two questions could save us all from countless unnecessary, expensive-and-inconvenient measures in a range of areas.
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Another of my pet-peeves, brother.

"The science tells us."
"The science is in."
"We trust the science, but they don't."
"They're science deniers."
"Science-based policy."
"Scientists say."

All these phrases are routinely use to justify bullshit policies and yet nobody in the main stream ever asks the obvious (to me) questions:
"Yeah, but is it good science? There is both good and bad science, you know."
"Who funded the research?"

These two questions could save us all from countless unnecessary, expensive-and-inconvenient measures in a range of areas.

There's truth to this but it almost always sides with liberal policy. Like the science is in on climate change -- that's scientists around the world funded by government agencies everywhere, forming a rough consensus on us going down a dangerous path. And when you're funded by the government, you are funded to conduct an experiment, in one of the least biased ways. There's no specific hypothesis you are trying to prove that you wind up failing if you somehow disprove -- all real results are good results. At the same time, these results will be published in highly-competitive peer-reviewed journals, then verified by scientists around the world reading them. At least with the US government, the only bias that comes through their funding model is choosing what to fund.

Bad science is like a think-tank, which is typically hired by a company, like a cigarette company, to try to drum up some sort of evidence or alternate narrative for a bad characteristic of their product. It's results driven. Or bad science is like a scientist who publishes bad or fake research, which other scientists cannot reproduce. The Andrew Wakefield (the vaccines-cause-autism guy) comes to mind.

So are you a science denier if you stand up to a lone scientist publishing results no one has ever replicated? Not really. Are you one if you stand up to the general prevalent sentiment of the international scientific community? Yea, pretty much. That's usually the conservative pov. I mean, I'd love to see more conservatives believe science, it would allow for a two partisan system that's more based on policy than ideology since we'd at least agree on what the problems are. But far fewer conservatives even study science to begin with, so it feels like a lost cause.
So something came to mind yesterday. Covid in New Zealand where I live isn't "increasing" .. it fact there is basically none in the community but a fare bit coming into "managed Isolation" facilities, which got me thinking...since we opened our border and let NZ'landers come home we get on average about 15 new cases at the border a week, which means in the months since we started letting people back it we must have had at least 200 positive covid cases yet have had ZERO deaths in isolation...yet when we had community transmission in August (where around 100 people were "infected" in the community) we had 2 deaths. The math on this does not add up
actually just to update this further...there has been ZERO as in NONE, hospitalization in isolation facilities ... sorry but that seems impossible if any one of the "stats" are to be believed
Chairman Dan of the DPRV update:

After 37 days of 0 active cases, 0 new cases and 0 deaths, Chairman Dan is delivering, as we speak, his freshly-concocted "settings" intended to last the entire summer. It's goin' on and on so I's gonna stop listenin' now. Fairdinkum, I don't know how the Hell anyone could keep up with all these situation-specific rules; it's like being back in high school and studying for an exam... or living in the DPRK...

Thank you, Commie Chairman Dan, for our, as you call it, Covid-safe Summer™. :doh: :thumbsdown: :LOL:

Just for beer and skittles, here's the official, opening statement on the DPRK's website:

DPR Of Korea The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a genuine workers' state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.

:shocked: :confused: :LOL:
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Chairman Dan of the DPRV update:

After 37 days of 0 active cases, 0 new cases and 0 deaths, Chairman Dan is delivering, as we speak, his freshly-concocted "settings" intended to last the entire summer. It's goin' on and on so I's gonna stop listenin' now. Fairdinkum, I don't know how the Hell anyone could keep up with all these situation-specific rules; it's like being back in high school and studying for an exam... or living in the DPRK...

Thank you, Commie Chairman Dan, for our, as you call it, Covid-safe Summer™. :doh: :thumbsdown: :LOL:

Just for beer and skittles, here's the official, opening statement on the DPRK's website:

DPR Of Korea The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a genuine workers' state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.

:shocked: :confused: :LOL:
bloody hell mate, I thought SINdy was bad haha ... she has been silent since the election here, not one single comment. They invented a ministerial roll of "minister for covid" or something equal retarded do that guy has done all the talking since. Still at ZERO hospitalisations in MiF .... this is such a fucking lie it is beyond belief
fairdinkum is not used enough around here. when I go to work tomorrow-I will use that word on the radio. reckless abandon is another term. I use it extensively at work. cause fuck it....
Good on ya Stoivo. :thumbsup:

Just remember mate:
Moderation in moderation. :cheers2: :LOL: